39º Chapter

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Kol got up from the big brown chair he was sitting on looking at his siblings with a cocky smile on his face, Elena found his reaction odd when he didn't even look at her properly. Instead he took slow steps towards her without looking at her face.

"Bloody Hell, is Freya helping you with this? Do you think that it's a good idea to put a spell on someone to look like Elena and bring her to our house? The only place where I can kill someone without the fear of being caught." - Kol said, finally losing the smile that was on his face.

"Kol... it 's me." - Elena tried to say looking at Kol's eyes, finding only void where before used to be so much love and joy.

"Shut up! Get out of my fucking head Freya."

Kol screamed to everyone in the house to hear, everyone was terrified of what he might do but none of them was able to stop him when he pinned Elena's body against the wall, he grabbed her neck with one hand while the one got inside her chest grabbing her heart with his hand. Elena screamed due to the pain, the tears were falling freely down her face but she smiled just like he did the night she saw him die, at least now she saw him one last time before she got her heart ripped out of her chest, she waited for the pain but it never came, he was taking to long with his hand still on her chest but his eyes were locked on hers, she took that chance to grab his wrist.

"I...I didn't .... die. I'm ... here." - She tried to say but the pain she was feeling was too much to handle, at least she's not human anymore, because if she was, Kol would've killed her already.

He finally saw it, the irony of her smile, the compassion in her eyes telling him with just one look that if he killed her right now... it was ok. She wasn't afraid to die, not on his hand, not right now. He felt his chest start to rise up and down really fast due to the panic he was feeling right now. It was her, Elena was right in front of him and he was going to kill her. He took his hand out of her chest and vamped speed towards the other side of the room, he didn't look at her anymore, he couldn't, not after almost ripping her heart out. He fell down with his back against the wall, the tears falling freely down his face like he was some kind of crybaby, and he was... for her he was.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." - Kol repeated these words like a mantrum while he cried his eyes out, he covered his face with his hands full of blood making his face turn red, maybe with all the begging for forgiveness he was going to finally forgive himself for almost killing the love of his life.

Elena was looking at him, her eyes never leaving the man in front of her, the man that she wished for so many nights to see again, to touch him again, to see his smile. She didn't look anywhere else either when she made her way towards him in a slow pace due to the pain she still felt in her chest, she is healing slowly due to the fact that it's been a couple of days since she fed. She got on her knees next to Kol, she put her hand gently on his back. Everyone in the room just looked at them, waiting to see some kind of bad reaction, maybe Kol would think again that she's not real, but that reaction never came, not when Elena spoke so calmly and low.

"It's ok...Everything is going to be ok now... don't worry."

She spoke these words many times, she was trying to reassure him as many times as she needed till he finally looked at her. That took longer than she thought, at least for Elena it seems like it has passed hours since the last time she heard his voice. The voice that she misses so much. She then have an idea, a stupid one, but it might work so she grabbed her phone from her pocket and start tiping in it making Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus look at her in disbelieve, their confused expressions turned into a smile when they heard Kol's phone ringing in his pocket.

Elena realized that he might not even move to look at his phone, but he did it, he slowly took his phone from the back pocket of his jeans, a really tiny smile appeared on Kol's face making everyone in the room sigh in relief. He then finally looked at the woman sitting next to him, she had this big smile present on her face, her eyes looked at him like he was the last man standing, the most precious thing she had ever seen.

"Are you in trouble?" - He finally spoke to her in a very low tone.

"Not really... but you said that you gave me your number for the purpose of security, so yeah... I thought it could be the only way to make you look at me. - Elena said, her hand slowly touching his cheek.

"I almost killed you... i'm, i'm so sorry." - He then spoke again, his face still wet from the tears.

"Don't worry about that...the important thing is that you didn't." - She said looking finally at the other persons present in the room.

"Should I order dinner for five?" - Niklaus asked, making everyone of us laugh, even Kol and oh dear god. How much these people missed hearing him laugh.

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