23º Chapter

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"Elena... you can't stay in that bed forever you know?" - Rebekah said getting closer to the bed Elena was laying on made Elena cry even harder. - "I know it hurts Lena, but he didn't want to see you like that..." - The blonde said, taking a seat on the bed next to the crying girl.

"I can't, I just can't get out of here..." - She cried, grabbing his shirt with all of her force.

"I know it's hard, but you have to live your life sweetheart, he wanted you to do that." - Rebekah passed her hand and threw Elena's hair, it was all messed up just like her face.

"I didn't say goodbye, Beks, I never told him that I love him... and now I can't." - She said crying.

"He knew Elena, he knew that you love him..." - Rebekah sighs at the view of her friend in that state.

"I don't know if i would ever be able to live without him, he made me feel alive in a time that all i wanted was to be dead... he was just like this angel that appear in front of me at the Ball asking me to dance... he defended me against my friends because he supported my decision no matter what it was, he would never stopped me from doing what i wanted." - Elena finally got the strength to seat herself on the bed.

"I know love, he felt the exact same way about you. We all thought that after being daggered for 100 years, Kol would be in a murderer mood, but then he met you and the killing spree never started... You were his guiding light." - Rebekah said, hugging her friend, giving her slow strokes on her back.

"I can't go downstairs because all I can see is him... smiling at me while his body is already on flames." - She cried on Rebekah's shoulder.

"That's why i wanted to know if you want to go live to our house, that way you don't have to relive that moment in your head and maybe you will feel closer to him." - The blonde said in a quiet voice, making Elena look at her.

"Do you think it is a good idea? I don't want to bother any of you..." - Elena said, trying to stop her tears from falling.

"You won't bother Elena, because we will not be there... we are moving back to New Orleans, there are people there that need our help." - Rebekah said with a sad smile on her face.

"Oh...so you're all leaving?" - Elena asked.

"Yes, but I will call you everyday, maybe even Nik will call you. After what happened, he started to change the way that he sees you." - Rebekah said, at least that was a happy thing. - "When we speak about you at dinner, he talks about you like he talks about me, like you are family, same as Elijah...even i love you like a sister." - She continued making Elena give a small smile.

"I need to pack my clothes then..." - Elena said, making the smile on Rebekah's face grow.

"Just your clothes?" - Rebekah asked, starting to get up from the bed.

"Yes, for all I care, this house can burn to the ground... i just need my clothes." - Elena said, looking at Kol's shirt on her hands.

"I'll take care of the clothes, now please go take a shower, you stink." - Rebekah said, making Elena laugh a little.

"Thank you Bekah... for everything." - Elena said before getting up.

Rebekah took a look at her friend watching her carefully, from her pale face to the end of her legs, Elena was even smaller, and skinnier. She didn't say anything to Elena, the last thing she needed now was a lecture about eating, so she just started to pack her friends' clothes in multiple bags. She saw the shirt that Elena left on the bed before entering the bathroom, she grabbed the shirt and in a second she felt Kol's smell all over it, she smiled at the same time that a tear dropped down her face. Rebekah paid extra attention to where she would keep the shirt, so she decided to put it in Elena's smaller bag that only had his personal belongings like her phone.

Rebekah couldn't help but notice the amount of messages and missing call's Elena had on her phone, probably all of her friends are freaking worried about her, she is not going to school in almost a month, they probably even tried to come here but Elena didn't open the door.

I will like to ask you all if  you want obviously, to read my other fanfic "Notifications". It's basically smut so you have been warned ❤️

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