6º Chapter

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I force my eyes to stay open so that I can finish watching the movie that was on TV. I hear someone knocking on the door which wakes me up from my almost sleep.

I grab my cell phone to check the time, 12am, no message or call that would tell me who might be on the other side of the door. I get up from the couch quietly, whoever it was can wait a few more minutes, I open the door without caring to question whoever it was, only to find Kol sitting on my porch.

"Hello stranger." - I say trying to get his attention, he looks at me and stands up in the same second offering me a small smile.

"Hello Elena." - He says taking a step towards me, immediately I move away from the door giving him space to enter my house.

"Can i... offer you something to drink?" - I ask him as I walk towards the kitchen.

"Yes, some whiskey would be great!" - He answers me with a smile.

"Is everything ok?" - I can't help my curiosity, so I asked him while preparing his drink..

"Yes, everything is fine... I just wanted to get out of the house. Bekah and Nik have been arguing for almost 2 hours and I didn't want to listen to them all night." - He explains.

"Been there, done that"

I can't help but laugh at the similar situation we went through just hours apart. I grab the glass of whiskey and walk back toward the countertop, but before I could set it down in front of Kol, I feel the glass slip through my fingers. I rush to my knees on the floor to pick up the pieces of crystal that were scattered around the kitchen, I feel a sharp pain and then something warm trickles down my hand.

"Fuck" - I heard Kol whisper and then his back is facing me. I get up from the floor and approach him in order to try to understand what was going on. I place my healthy hand on his shoulder.

"Are you ok?" - I waited a couple of seconds for an answer that never came. - "Kol?" - I called him once again.

The next thing I know, my body is pressed against the wall with Kol's body stopping me from moving. I looked at his face, the veins under his eyes were more prominent than ever and his once brown eyes were now black.

"I'm sorry Elena." - He says while trying to turn his face away so that I couldn't see it.

"Hey... It 's ok. Are you hungry?" - I ask him in a calm voice.

"No... not really. I'm not usually like this you know... but you smell so good, your blood smells like... I don't know how to describe it, but it's an amazing smell." - He says turning his back to me again, I couldn't help blushing a little at his words. I took a deep breath before putting my hand again on his shoulder. - "It's better if I stay away from you..." - Kol says, a bit of sadness in his voice. I lightly grab his arm.

"It's ok to not have full control you know? I know you won't hurt me..." - I say to him not letting go of his arm.

"And how do you know that Elena? I'm the psychotic brother, I have killed more people in this world than I can ever count, I could kill you in seconds and you wouldn't even notice." - He says turning towards me, looking straight into my eyes.

"Do you think I don't know that? Do you think that I don't know I am a simple human that at any moment can be killed by a vampire or a witch or something like that? Because I know, I know that one day, one of you might snap and kill me as a collateral damage because i am a fucking human and i can't fucking defend myself. So yeah Kol, I know that you can kill me, but I also know you won't do it." - I scream every word, all the anger I have accumulated over the past years coming out in a single moment, with the one person who is not even to blame for the anger I feel.

"How can you be so sure?" - He shouted back which made the anger in me increase even more, all the adrenaline coursing through my body made me take a step forward without taking my gaze away from his.

"Because if you wanted to kill me... i would be fucking dead already." - I say it lower now and take another step toward him, the veins under his eyes start to disappear and I put my hand on his face. - Because if you kill me right here, right now... I won't be able to do this anymore..."

I whisper and place my hands on his shoulders to get some balance as I stand on my tiptoes. At that moment I feel Kol's hands lightly grasp my waist giving me some stability. It was at that moment that I felt his body relax, as my lips touched his lightly, it was at that moment that I finally felt at peace and I believe he felt exactly the same, for the sigh that escaped Kol's lips, was a sigh of hope.

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