4º Chapter

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I wake up because of the light coming through my window, mentally cursing myself for not having remembered to close the curtains last night. A couple of weeks had passed since the night that still haunted my dreams, the night that still confuses my whole entire being.

Kol confuses me, the way he acted the other night, protecting me... that wasn't supposed to happen, he was supposed to be the maniac psychotic brother and not the protective one of his family and because of that I can't keep him out of my mind.

I look at my phone checking if there was any missing call but nothing, nobody is really talking to me right now since that night, but I don't really mind because what I'm doing is because I care about them all, but they don't understand that...

I took a quick shower before getting dressed. Today is the first day that I'm going to give blood to Klaus so I want to do it as fast as I can. The faster I get there, the faster I leave. Next thing I know I'm parked outside the Mikaelson's mansion. I made my way towards the door before knocking on the door. I waited for a short second until the door was open from a not so happy Rebekah.

"Hey... I'm here to talk to Klaus." - I say knowing full well that she doesn't like me, nor I like her.

"Nik, you're doppelganger is here." - She screamed really loud making my ears hurt, she gave me a fake smile before letting me in.

An old lady started to guide me to another room in the house, she was dressed like a nurse and i truly hope she is one, because after a couple of minutes she started to prepare me to take blood, i tried to relax but it is a little hard when you see your blood getting out of your veins.

I could hear his voice from the other room of the house and the next moment he walked through the door. His eyes met mine briefly, but the next moment they were fixed on the blood running through the pipes.

The veins under his eyes appeared and before I could say anything, he vamp speeded out of there.

I thought about calling for him or even shouting his name, but I know that it would be much worse to try to keep him here with me. A sigh escaped my lips. The only good part of being here was seeing him for a while and maybe talking, but now that's going to be difficult.

Actually, his reaction makes me curious, how does a 1000 year old vampire get like that in the presence of blood? He should already know how to control these things, right?

I try not to think about it too much because honestly sleep is already starting to take over me, my eyes close slightly only to open them when the nurse has finished getting me ready to leave. I mumble a low "thank you" and walk calmly to the door, I look at my car stopped in front of me, I walk to it but before I could reach it I start to feel dizzy, my legs lost strength but before I could fall to the ground I feel strong arms around me preventing me from falling.

"Thank you" - I whisper and look now at the one who stopped my inevitable fall, only to find a pair of brown eyes looking at me, Kol.

"Always thanking me... Darling, are you starting to like me? Because I think you are." - He says in that British accent that it makes my legs tremble. I rolled my eyes at what he said but I couldn't avoid the giggle that escaped my mouth. - "Maybe it is better if i take you home" - Kol said waiting for a no in response but all i did was handing him the car keys.

I could see that he was surprised by my action but I was still too tired to worry about that kind of thing. I entered the passenger seat and waited for him to start driving but I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know we are parked outside of my house.

"Thank you Kol" - I say in a low tone and I hear him laughing. - "Are you laughing at me?" - I ask somewhat surprised.

"A little bit, yes Darling... you keep thanking me, so i know of a way for you to thank me properly." - He says, looking at me.

"Oh really? And how would it be?" - I ask a little curious.

"You could give me your number." - He says in a confident way.

"Why do you want my number?" - I say getting out of the car seeing him follow me.

"Only for security issues of course. If you need help... you call me." - He says walking with me towards the front door.

"Ok... give me your phone." - I say a little hesitant but the look on his face made my entire day worth it by how shocked he was with my answer.

"Really?" - He asked and I nodded in response, he gave me his phone and I dialed and saved my number in it.

"There you go. Thank you again Kol." - I say looking him in the eyes before entering my house.

#Kol POV#

I was still processing what just happened, she gave me her number just like that, I didn't even have to insist. I started to walk back to my house when I reached my phone to take a look at her number, seeing it saved as "Favorite Doppelganger". Maybe she has a sense of humor after all.

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