56º Chapter

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Hayley, Hope and I were sitting on the couch waiting for the rest of the family to arrive home. They had to go to New Orleans a few days ago and are supposed to come back today, i was starting to get worried because Kol hadn't said anything to me since this morning when he called me.

It's been two weeks since the party, Hayley finally admitted that she loves Elijah but she is afraid of what Klaus might do to his brother when he finds out. Me and Kol are better than ever, and thank god, Rebekah, Caroline and Bonnie are still keeping their promise of being friends.

"Why don't you go take a rest Lena? You look tired." - Hayley said, she is playing with Hope on the floor.

"I am tired... I'm always tired to be honest, I think it is from birth." - I said, grabbing my phone to check if there were any new messages or missing calls, but nothing.

"If you are so worried, just call him." - She said, looking at me with a little smile.

"I don't want to bother him." - I said, looking at the hands that are resting on my lap.

"You must be kidding right? You and him are almost married, not literally, but you both love each other and want to be together forever and you are afraid of making a phone call?" - She asked, looking at Hope that was walking around the living room.

"I know it's stupid but... I know that something is not right, I'm sure that neither of them are coming home today..." - I said, finally looking at her.

"Why do you say that?" - She asked, taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"Because I can sense his stress... Now more than ever." - I said, grabbing my phone.

"It's that something normal?" - She asked what made me laugh.

"Yes, from what I've been reading... the connection we have made us able to feel what the other is feeling." - I said, grabbing my phone again. - "I think it's better if i call him, i'm getting stressed because of his stress" - I said, making Hayley laugh.

"I'm going to put Hope to sleep, it's nap time."

Hayley grabbed Hope making her way upstairs, I dial Kol's number waiting impatiently for him to pick up the phone, after two rings I heard the voice that made me calm down instantly.

"Hello Darling..." - He said from the other side of the line.

"Hey, at what time are you getting home?" - I asked, biting my nails.

"I'm sorry love... we can't leave just yet, maybe tomorrow if everything went right" - He said, i immediately started to feel the tears forming on my eyes.

"Is everything ok?" - I asked, trying to avoid showing how much his absence is making me sad, but my broken voice is getting the best of me.

"Nothing for you to worry about my love. Don't be sad please... you know I can feel it." - He said, his voice getting lower with every word.

"I'm sorry... i haven't been sleeping well, so i'm tired as fuck and i miss you like crazy... " - I said, letting a couple of tears fall from my eyes.

"It's that time of the month isn't it, love?" - He asked, I could heard his smile on his voice.

"Y... Yeah. I haven't thought about it." - I said, biting my lower lip.

"Tomorrow, I'll be home, my love. I promise." - He said.

"Kol?" - I asked him, waiting for his voice to sound in my ears.

"Yes my love?" - He asked.

"I really want to say what I feel for you right now." - I said, feeling the tears falling again.

"Don't babe... I know that you feel it, and you know that I feel it too... but that word sounds like a goodbye to me, and I refuse to say goodbye to you." - He said, making me smile lightly.

"I won't say it then... it's never goodbye, only see you later." - I said, hanging up the phone.

I spent almost all afternoon sleeping after talking to Kol, i woke up with Hayley shaking me lightly. I opened my eyes looking at her with a worried expression.

"Is everything ok?" - I asked her, sitting properly on the couch.

"Kind of..." - She said, making me worried all of a sudden.

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