48º Chapter

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All of the days have been the same, i wake up, i saw Kol, Kai kills Kol and then i wake up watching him at my door happy as fuck because he made me cry once again by killing the love of my life on my head. When I woke up after I passed out, the cure was out of my body, but somehow I'm still human... a normal human, like it had never happened.

I think that two weeks since i've been here, everyday after giving me food, Kai performed all types of spells in me none of them would kill me but they all hurt like a bitch, they hurt so much that my voice is gone by now from the screams that i let out when i'm being tortured by Malachai Parker.

I looked at the plate of food near me but this time i don't have appetite, i'm starting to get desperate thinking that no one is coming for me, probably they are looking for me, but what if they don't? What if I'm all alone this time? I looked again at my food grabbing the knife that was near the place. I got out of the bed, slowly walking at the door. I can't wait anymore for someone to come to save me. I have to get out of here by myself because I refuse to die at the hands of Kai Parker.

I waited and waited till the moment that I knew Kai would've walked through the door, but it never happened, he never came like he usually did. Because the sun was setting down and by this time of the day i'm usually lying on my bed wishing i had died with the last hour of spells.

"Elena? Are you here?"

I couldn't believe what i've just heard but it couldn't be, she cannot be here, what if this is some other trick that Kai is playing on me, what if this is just like Kol... what if he's here and she's here and ... he might try to kill her. I took a couple of deep breaths before I tried to speak, but when I did my voice didn't come out, probably because of the day before. I was in constant pain from being on my feets, all of my body hurted but I didn't have any other option to bring her attention to this room. I grabbed the knife with one hand just in case that this might be Kai's doing and I threw my body at the door causing a loud noise. I wanted to scream due to the pain but I couldn't so I just let my body fall near the door trying to ease the pain by not moving.

I looked at the door being forced open looking at Hayley, i wish i could smile at her but i couldn't not when i'm trying so hard to fight the tears that wanted to fall so bad from my eyes. She looked at me with a worried expression making me try to move, only causing even more pain to shoot through my body.

"Elena, oh my god!" - She said getting on her knees near me, she examined my face along with my whole body covered in bruises. The hybrid didn't waste any time to rip her wrist open and put it near my mouth. I drank, starting to feel the pain going slowly away, just like the bruises on my skin.

"Where is Kai?" - I asked her in a low voice, getting up from the floor with her help.

"Dead... Klaus killed him yesterday at the Grill after he tried to take Hope with him." - She said help me walk out of that haunted house.

"Kol?" - I asked, i was afraid of the answer she might give me because, what if Kai hurt him after figuring out that he was the most important person in this world for me.

"Looking for you since the day of the party, he was always looking for you just like the rest of us... I was the one that had more luck." - She said, giving me a small smile. She helped me get in the car because my body wasn't fully healed yet.

"Is everyone ok?" - I asked again, making her smile at me.

"Don't worry, everyone is fine 'Lena... the question is, how are you? What has he done to you?" - She asked me but i couldn't talk, because if i did i would probably cry and i don't want that.

"Can we please not talk about this or the state that you found me in? I just want to go home... " - I said looking out of the window.

"Of course..."

During our travel home that took at least 40 minutes, Hayley called Klaus letting him know that i was alive and we were heading home, he asked Hayley to pass me the phone but i refused, right now i don't want to talk to anyone, i just want to get home so i can finally be around family.

Apparently we were the first to arrive at the house because we were the only ones there. I let Hayley know that I was going to take a shower, and she smiled at me.

When I opened the closet of my bedroom I couldn't stop but smiled with the view of Kol's clothes here again, I missed having his things around. I grabbed one of his T-shirts and a pair of shorts and I headed to the shower trying to clean all of the bad things that had happened to me the last two weeks.

I got dressed looking at myself in the mirror. I was still pale but nothing to worry about. I got out of the bathroom only to see Kol sitting in our bed looking at me with worried eyes.

He got up as soon as he saw me smile and in a matter of seconds his arms were around my body giving me a tight hug that I responded right away by hiding my face on his chest. He took a little distance from my body so he could look at my face, he had a confused expression present on his.

"Elena?" - He asked, the veins under his eyes appearing lightly.

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