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Sidneet_amor this side

I'm glad that u all are liking the book so much ...🥺❤

@manvi_kaushal helped me out with this chapter💖







"You'all must be tired ,go and get fresh " manav said ."freshen up and come fast, we are waiting for dinner!" unnati said excitedly .

"Abhi take them to guest rooms ." said anushree.

"lets go, I will show you your rooms ! abhi dragged vibha with him... After getting fresh, they had dinner .

"boys, you guys go and enjoy and I'll enjoy here with my friends." vibha said looking towards rajeev and anushree . Unnati was a bit tired so she went to sleep,

"Its a night out with my favorite boys after a veryyy long timeeee!" abhi shouted.

"Bro ,how much do you shout!!"said jai putting his fingers in his ears.

"sorry,I just got excited!" abhi said biting his tongue . "We should play FIFA ." Manav suggested, getting up and bringing the game with him. "oh my god, u have it already, aha the night is going to be the best one " said sid .

"yeah!! nightout plus abhi's bachloratte haha" jai chuckled . "yeah! haha " others chuckled .

"Are u going to tell us about our bhabhi ?" sid looked at abhi with hope .

"no way ! you will get to know about her at the engagement itself ,no revelations before that! " abhi ordered like a strict teacher.

"Huhhh" jai sighed dramatically .

"chill guys engagement is just two days away!" manav added.

"leave it ,lets play now!" abhi said.

"yup of course" (what could be better night for boys than just playing videogames with their friends😌)

"we have played almost for four hours I'm tiredddddd" abhi whined, streching his arms .

"ya me too man!" sid got up,ready to go to his room.

"oh I forgot to tell you abhi ,pooja will be there ,day after tomorrow ,she wanted to meet you all ;also she's really happy for you!" sid said with voice low at each word looking at abhi's expressions.

"I don't mind her anyways !" abhi changed his expressions and smiled at sid.

"really? how come?" sid asked with wide eyes.

"its ok bro ,she is nice to you ,and we are happy for you anyways ,afterall its your life ,we can just warn u!" abhi explained , manav and jai smiled.

"enough of this senti drama ,I think we should sleep now" said manav getting up. "yeah you are right ,good night everyone... "


"you two sleepy heads wake upp " vibha shaked nigam brothers , " we have to go for shopping for abhi's engagement."

"ma please sone do na(let us sleep) ,aap logg chale jao (you guys go ahead), hamlogo ka aana zaroori hai kya(our attendance is not that necessary.) ?" sid said ,still in his sleep.

"no bahana (excuses )kids, chup chap utho(no arguments, get up) and get ready as soon as possible!" anushree said from the back .

"just beacuse aunty is insisting " jai sat grumpily on the bed .

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