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RECAP(I assume u guys needed this, coz I myself forgot what I wrote in the previous chapter😭😂)

"Goodnight babe!" she said and leaned to kiss his cheek ,sid felt his heart explode .His eyes wide as soccer, her soft lips gave him 440 volt current all over body .At the same time avu dozed out ,which brought him to his senses .

He looked at her , her tiny body in his embrace ,sleeping like a baby .He couldn't stop looking at her .He tucked her in the bed ,but missed her warmth . Smiled at her ,thoughts of 'their moment' were still giving him goosebumps in background . He slowly tiptoed out of the room.



"the bartender said that he doesn't know anything about it!" said abhi explaining everything to sid .

"But I'm sure her drink was spiked , and it was not any accident ." said sid .

"guys ,avu is awake! " said reem bursting in the room .All the boys rushed towards her room .Avu was sitting on the bed  ,holding her forehead ,SHe was experiencing so bad hangover.

"how are you ?" asked jai sitting beside her .

She smiled at him in assurance that she was ok. 

"The drink was so strong I guess ,coz she's having a really bad hangover ."said vaish handing avu glass of lemonade .

Avu looked at her friends concerned faces ,she was feeling so blessed at the moment ,to have them all in her life .Her happiness of having them took over her headache and she was feeling better now .

She quickly went to take a hot water shower . The water started falling on her naked body, making her body relaxed .

"--If you are drunk, I'll tell you ,I love you avu !" her ears echoed . blur image of he and a person standing on the terrace started appearing her head .She couldn't figure out whether it was even real or her dream .But for some reason she didn't stop thinking about it,it bothered her so much.

It was afternoon now ,everyone sat in te room after their lunch .

"--I don't know who could possibly do that ?" said avu thinking if she could remember what happened last night.

"As if you don't know avu ,there's only one person her who can do this ,more precisely, hates you! " said riyaz, already burning in anger .

"we cannot accuse pooja was everything !" said avu putting her head on abhi's shoulder,who was sitting next to her .

"besides, leave it guys ,I'm all okay now ,bal ki khal mat nikalo!(don't pull the graves out)"said avu smiling at them .

"no its a serious issue avu, now this person just tried to spike your drink,but he can do anything and no one of is safe in that way !" said sid .

"I know sid but let it be for now ,firstly this hangover is killing me and secondly you all are asking me really serious questions and my head hurts more ! " said avu pouting .

"come here baby,I'll give u, 'U special' massage ." said unnati making avu sit on the floor near her knees and started massaging her head .

"Anu pass me the water bottle please ." said sid ,and anu passed him one .

"by the way guys ,Did I bothered you all so much last night?" asked avu ,with closed eyes, enjoying unnsu's massage.

"no no avu not at all,it was all amazing ,we were so entertained last night ." said reem ,laughing out loud wit a huge smirk on her face .

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