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Sidneet_amor w/@manvi_kaushal this side!!♥

Students were busy shouting and playing in the class as it was a free period .(A/n what's better than a free period? tell me in the comment section).

the gang was sitting there gossiping about almost everything . Vaish beside abhi. on the the second last bench , Avneet with riyaz on the second row second last bench and pooja clinging to sid on last bench . 

"Siddharth Nigam ,There's a call for you!" said a worker searching for sid .

He quickly got up , "I don't know ,why is anyone calling me in school hours."


Sid went to the calling booth and saw jai ,tears rolling down his eyes .

"hey hey hey ,why are you crying?"  sid panicked.

"bhai ,mom and dad-g-got into an a-a-ccident a-nd.." said jai trembling all over ,sid wasted no time in hugging his baby brother close.

"And what jai ?You are scaring me ....tell me what happened " sid asked horrified .

"a--nd ,bh-bhai d-ad....." jai managed to speak, more tears running on his cheeks.

"what." was the only word came out of his mouth and he collapsed on the ground, expressionless, emotionless, tears made their way through his pained eyes ,his whole world shattered in a second ,he couldn't believe his ears ,totally devastated .

All his friends came running when they came to know about this ,avu saw sid and jai crying and she couldn't control herself, she broke down ,she was feeling like someone was continuously stabbing her. Reem ran to handle jai ,and pooja engulfed sid in a hug.

"It will be fine sid, calm down." she murmured in his ears. Vaish was side hugging avu .

Avu went towards sid and sat on her knees ,sid broke the hug with pooja and buried his face in avu's shoulder ,anger and jealousy was clearly visible on pooja's face, she got up and went back to classroom. Cars were arranged to take them to the hospital ,they reached hospital and saw their mom laying with wires all over her, Sid and jai were worse now. 

vibha was conscious but was expressionless, she got minor injuries ,so she was able to walk .

their gang, avu's and vaish's parents also arrived at that time ,and vibha were taken to burial ground ,sid being elder son ,did all the last rituals, he took rounds around his dad ,all the memories flashing around ,his dad becoming a horse for him to fake fighting sequences with jai and him ,their jokes their laughs ,he let the mud pot full of water, fall, and it broke just like his shattered heart, gave fire and fell on his knees ,was supported by jai and vibha aunty .

It felt like it was end of something,it was end of his existence , he felt lost and confused and scared . He realized how much he loved his dad and it hurt so much that he didn't realize that it was much more than he thought when his father was alive and there.


Days passed all three of them were getting out from the incident ,vibha was indeed a strong woman ,she lost her husband but she couldn't loose her children ,she hid her pain ,sorrows deep inside her to cheer up her children's and give them both father's and mother's love . She was broken but she knew she has to create her boys as good as their father and that's why took over all the business. 

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