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no recap needed Ig?

"you found me on terrace ?" she asked ,with all the memories she could remember ,started roaming around her head.

"I ummm (taking a long breath) yes!" he said finally, coz he knew lying was not gonna work.

"oh?" she said, asked actually. she was having a very different feeling ,she got a kind of sukoon on hearing that he found her on terrace.  But she was not sure that it was him ,in her dream, which was reality ,but she didn't knew it of course .

Sid didn't utter a single word ,he waited for her to speak ,but got no response other than a 'oh'. 

"you were so clumsy yesterday." he broke the silence.

"I'm sorry for whatever happened ." she said with puppy eyes .

"Nah its ok ,once you were asleep there was no problem ,so chill." he said 'trying ' to act cool .

"oh ok." she smiled at him weirdly .

"You wanna speak about something ?" she asked out of blue ,sid thought that she forgot ,but he was wrong .

"like?" he asked, oblivious (sid bhot bhav khata hai🤣)

"Sid, I want to be clear ,I saw a dream and it was a very normal dream but it's on my head all day, its bothering me so much, someone confessed his love for me and I don't remember his face or anything, its just a familiar voice ,and now,.....I don't think ,it was dream ."  she said taking pauses while speaking .

"so how can I help you ?" he asked ,he was literally testing her patience now .

"Listen to me.... I don't know what you feel for me ,but I'm just trying to connect points and I want to be clear ....... I'm afraid to love , I admit I had a crush on you and that's it ,it was just a little crush . In psychological language ,just a physical attraction .There was never something intense and if you are still thinking that it was love ,then I'm really sorry." she said gulping her tears.

"How can you lie so firmly?" he asked, looking straight into her eyes. 

"I'm not lieing siddharth ,its reality. " she said .

"ok." sid turned his back and moved away from her and went down stairs,leaving her alone in the cold breeze .  

She slipped to the ground ,cried her heart out .She never wanted to hurt him this way .But she had no option .

"I'm afraid that I cannot be the one for you, you'll only have to go through hell if we are together, you'll only get to suffer siddharth .I have to do this ,for you ,for my love for you , It's better to stay away from me. You deserve much better than me ." she sobbed for god knows how long .


Sid closed the door of his room with thud ,jai woke up with a jerk .

"what's wrong?" jai asked ,assuming that he had talk to avu .

"nothing ,good night ." he said sliping into his blanket .

jai immediately messaged on their group that something was wrongly wrong with sid . 

Reem informed that avu was still not back .tension created again, everyone's sleep flew away.   

Avu was back after sometime ,her eys puffy and cheeks red .On asking ,she caught cold because of cold breezes on terrace ,was the only reply she gave to reem before going to sleep .

UNFORGETTABLE-SIDNEET FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now