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Sidneet_amor w/@manvi_kaushal this side!♥

Avu was not able to digest anything ,she was broken ,she was feeling guilty ,but it was not her fault at all. She was continuously crying ,she didn't want to loose her bestfriend,that to for a stupid misunderstanding

"I ,being a girl will blackmail another girl for her body ?really sid?" she murmured but audible to  everyone .Reem  side hugged  her ,this was the only way she was controlling herself otherwise she could have broke sid's bones by now.

Abhi hugged avu tight "Calm down, everything will be alright.Okay?he's an idiot ,he doesn't know what he says ,nowadays." his shirt felt wet ,avu was still crying ,but managed herself ,got up wiped her tears .

"If he thinks ,I did it ,okay then I did it ,And I don't need to give any explanation about it ,if he is not trusting me ,its not my fault. It clearly shows he doesn't know me, and what kind of friendship is this ,there's not a little bit of trust ?its of no use." avu let out a sob.

"Great ,I was thinking to give you another chance,I thought my trust on you is so much that I'll never blame you for something so big ,without any explanation  ,but no vaish not this time. She is your best friend and that is why you are defending  her , AVNEET I HATE YOU SO FREAKING MUCH, Don't ever show me your face, Let me live my life peacefully ,Please. And Delete that video before I file a FIR. "sid said joining his hands together. Took his bag and went away ,avu was blank ,she was understanding that he was not in the position of listening ,he was already going through so much, voh chah ke bhi uska bura nahi soch sakti thi(she couldn't blame him ,even if she wanted to). She took her bag and went away too.

"SHE RECORDED POOJA 'COZ POOJA TOLD HER TO,IT WAS FOR HER INSTAGRAM AND LAST TIME I CHECKED SHE WAS WEARING HER CLOTHES." reem shouted at sid's walking figure. But he was vanished ,he couldn't hear .

"And yes avu's phone was lost before we went to Bangalore ,that's why she didn't pick up the calls." reem said, venom dripping her voice ,clearing everything and sighed .

"Such a great best friend he is, wow. Utter idiot." reem was hugged by jai ,she pushed him back lightly,fixing him with a small glare , took her bag and went away . Jai was left shocked in his place , did he just lose a part of his soul,right then? because it surely felt like that.

"We lost our friends, we freaking lost them abhi.What if this is the end ?what if this is the e-end?" vaish cried . Riyaz was dumbstruck ,a tear leaked from his eye ,

"Let's go guys.We need to find sid and slap some sense in him".riyaz said ,voice determined.

"I somehow convinced sid to give her chance ,understand her side ,but he heard avu speaking and took it in a wrong way! What to do now ,avu's going to Bangalore ,don't know sid will come to school or not ,  I'm tired ,I need them." vaish sobbed .Abhi side hugged her and riyaz hold her hand tightly, abhi was not even uttering a word .Jai on the other side was feeling guilty about his brother not even listening to the second side.

They all followed Jai to their home , to tell sid the truth,were fixed by a glare as soon as sid came in their eyesight.

"I don't want to hear anything,she admitted it herself....leave me the fuck alone." sid rushed in his room,door shutting with a thud . Vibha's concerned eyes searched for answers and jai promised to tell as soon as the find the solution.

Sid didn't speak to them ,no one ,not even jai. It was quite difficult to reach him when he had all their numbers blocked and pooja clinging to him like a koala.



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