31:FOR ME?

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(Proud of our Queen💖)


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"how are you feeling?" asked reem sitting beside avu .

no reply. Avu was not looking at anyone but at the window .

"avu?" reem shaked her a bit . "umm better" avu replied still not looking at her.

"miss .avneet ,how's your health?" came the doctor smiling widely . "fine " she replied again with blank expressions . The avneet they knew was somewhere lost and they all felt like someone was stabbing them from back .  girls were on the verge of crying and boys held them in order to calm them down .

"Avneet needs rest ,and miss.Reem we need to talk for a while." said the doctor and reem nodded and went outside with all the boys .Vaish ,anu and pooja stayed in ,inorder to make avu eat all her medicines .

"Miss, your sister is physically fine ,but her mental state is not good ,she will come out of this but only if she gets love and only love for this .She should be made feel like she is loved she is not alone and u have to make her forget her ex anyhow otherwise it can be harmful for her ,its the third attack already ,her fourth attack can be more dangerous ,I suggest a psychology treatment here." said the doctor explaining.

"yes we understand .We'll do whatever is needed ." said riyaz side hugging reem and assuring her .

"when can we take her back?" asked abhi .

"tomorrow itself ,only if she gets good environment there . also please complete the formalities as soon as possible ,i'll take a leave now .take care." said the doctor smiling .

"sure! " said abhi .  "I'll do that " said sid ,before anybody could say anything .

Pooja saw this and went behind him . Sid was paying all the bills .

"sid, we are not supposed to do that ! leave it on reem ,she will handle this na, why to waste our money on avu and also- " pooja was whispering and blabbering things until sid cut her off.

"pooja, look ,firstly its not OUR money its mine and my family's so please let me decide what to do with it and leave me alone ,I don't wanna talk to anyone " said sid with blank face signing the papers .Pooja felt hurt as sid never talked to her like that and according to her avu was one and only reason .

Pooja left from there with tears in her eyes and was fuming in anger from inside.

Sid went outside to breath in fresh air. He soon cooled down .He didn't knew how he was feeling .he was angry at times ,he was emotional, he was sad and all emotions were flooding into his mind .Fresh air was a therapy for him.It always relaxed him .He soon realized that  he just took out his emotions on pooja and he felt guilty(A/n pure soul he is .) 

He quickly went and apologized to pooja .

"pooja, I'm really sorry I was just....just so frustrated " said sid holding her hands .

"why the hell are you so frustrated ,u can take it easy as u take other things ,u are a cool person ,why are u behaving this weird" pooja said slightly shouting on him .

"I don't know pooja ,but I feel like u should understand the situation here .and I hope u understand ME ." said sid calmly.

"How much should I understand U sid .Vohi karti aayi hu ab tak .u never shouted on me .and u did today because of avneet .why ?(pause) tell me na sid ?don't u love me ? why u keep her above me ?" she cried .

Sid pulled her in a hug kissing her forehead and caressing her back. Because he was too confused to answer.(A/n good or bad characters in my story will have some conflicting behavior , If we take sid's character, he is scared and cannot make decisions fast .he thinks twice before saying or talking to someone ,just because he thinks he will hurt someone  .But this behavior of his put him in a situation that he even cannot betray pooja or avneet .Also my story is a lot practical coz I'm a practical person, bad characters will also have a good behavior at times. Basically there is no good or bad in this story ,characters will change their behavior according to the situation .If it is not ok then do tell me ,I'll make changes . )

Pooja man gayi (agreed),because she didn't wanted to let go .


No one talked much that night.Next day arrived ,avneet was getting ready as she was getting a discharge.
Others went to resort to manage things.only reem,vaish pooja and sid stayed. She was taken back to resort with a warm welcome,just the way she liked.She smiled a bit which gave happiness and assurance to her friends.
The day went well.everyone was continuously talking to her about every thing which made her happy .they decided to leave the resort and move to their houses.
"What the heck?" Shouted jai.
"Why are you shouting jai?"said abhi .
"Government has set a rule here,no traveling for a month,not here or out of india.no vehicles allowed.only emergency vehicles will be allowed ,it's for some project,that means we cannot go,we have stay here .Ma cannot come too" said jai looking into his phone.
"Oh god!Ok let it be now,we have to manage everything here." Said unnati.
"Yes" everyone agreed.

Pooja and anu went to the hospital to meet the doctor and to discuss about the situation. Pooja behaved nice and accompanied anu.

"She didn't eat" said vaish coming out with teen and sighed.

"Can I try?"asked sid forwarding his hand and vaishali handed him the bowl of soup. And nodded.

Sid went to her room , she was in the same position as the day before ,looking at the window.
Sid sat beside her. She didn't even bothered to look .

"Avu ? Will u just finish this soup?" He said forwarding a spoon full in front of her. She nodded in a no without looking at him. He sighed ,kept the bowl aside and turned her towards him. He looked into her painful eyes,lefting her chin,trying not to cry ,put a hair strand at the back of her ear .On the other side avi was just staring blankly in his hazel eyes.

"For me ?"said sid caressing her left cheek.
She nodded in a yes immediately,surprising sid,but he knew the answers.

He forwarded the newly heated soup and she sipped it . He successfully fed her few spoons .

She then turned the spoon towards sid And made him sip it,he did,with confused face.

"I know ,u must Be hungry too!" She said with a blank face.

31st chapter done! I think it is boring whats ur opinion?

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See ya


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