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"Hello abhi, avu is with me and I'm taking her to the room, she is drunk ,maybe ,not maybe ,for sure!" said sid running behind avu ,also talking to abhi .

"Alright ,we are coming ." said abhi, shouting through the phone .

After 10 good minutes of chasing drunk avu ,he was able to bring her to the room .Do you think she would walk and come with him like a good kid? then you are wrong !Sid actually carried her to her room ,getting hit by her continuously. 

"Put me down, you bandar ke bac-chee." she shouted and jumped out of his grip ,and everyone ,who were already in the room ,waiting for them and were so much worried ,looked at them in amusement .

Reem was worried and scared ,but she couldn't hold her laughs looking at avu because she knew exactly ,what was gonna happen tonight .

"Reem, she was almost gonna die ,are you serious?" asked sid looking at her .

"S--sorry haha Wait- she what?" reem asked her tone getting serious with each word. Sid told them about what happened ,except husband part ofcourse.

"Are you okay? how did you end up on the terrace ?Are you hurt? " everyone asked avu, very concerned for her .

"GUY-YS I'm absolutely fine ,look(twirling around while losing balance ) Thanks to my husband, He saved me." she said dreamily .

"wh-You have a husband?" jai asked and sid internally face palmed .

"everyone lost their memory or wh-what ,I'm married and you guys don't even know ,si-si whatever your name is ,you didn't tell them about our marriage, but you guys were dancing right beside us at our wedding ?" she said looking at sid .Sid gave a weird smile to everyone .

"So you mean-this guy is your husband and you are married to him?" asked riyaz ,trying not to burst out laughing .

"Yes! he is my husband. " said avu clinging on sid's arm .

"ohh-ohki ahem ." everyone said exactly same words in unison and were laughing silently .

"what? this is not funny guys? what is happening to her ? " asked sid protectively wrapping his hand around her shoulder .

"what happened to me ,honey? I'm all fit and fine ." said avu putting her head on his shoulder.

"and I'm sleepy now, come we will sleep" she pulled him with her on the bed. He was not in his senses to realize whatever shit was going around him .

"guys,I-I think we should go now,let them sleep, everyone's tired ,right avu?" said vaish playing along so that avu goes to sleep and cause no more problems.

"that's like my b-bestie ,say goodnight to abhinav from my side !" she said in baby voice .

"abhinav?" asked abhi .

"oh god abhi, don't te-tell me you forgot your own son. "

"what? we had a son? Vaish you didn't tell me?" asked abhi seriously.

"are you drunk too?" vaish asked in disbelief.

"what are you saying? " asked abhi ,confused. "guyss ,Let's end this here and let's just go ? " asked riyaz trying hard not to die out laughing ,(who doesn't love to tease their bestfriends huh?)  

"ok avu, now go to sleep ,ok? good night!" said unnati patting avu's hairs and dragged everyone out of the room, leaving sid and avu to themselves .

"PHAHAHAHA!!! " everyone burst out uncontrollably as soon as they came out of the room .

"that was hilarious! oh my god ,mujhe toh samjh hi nahi raha hai ,hasu,rou ya ghussa karu ?"  laughed reem .

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