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"I need to talk to sid ASAP ,but that avu won't let me around him, oh god I need him !" whined pooja in irritation.

on the other side..

"you okay?" asked avu ,as they were on the other corner of the hall.

"I guess so." he replied looking everywhere else except her. Avneet just narrowed her eyes.

"I mean, its just too awkward to be around her.by the way, thank you for dragging me along . "

"oh that's not an issue .cool then !don't think much now ,we are here for you!" she said caressing his shoulder and then ran to the food section. Sid ran behind her.

They got seated on a table ,some people were still dancing and music was being played in the background.

"today was amazing!!" squealed anu ."yessss.." said everyone "let's toast guysss." shouted manav bringing his drink up while other raised their glasses too.

"wait!Avu don't you have anything ?" asked abhi looking at ,just rising a glass of water .

"umm no ,actually, as I said, I don't drink." she said ."oh that's fine ,but you can at least order a juice or mocktail ?" vaish insisted ."That's all fine but let me tell you ,avu once got accidently drunk and she was high at the very moment ,she goes insane even if she drinks a drop of wine .Four people were required to handle her .hahahahah" laughed reem ,making avu red in embarrassment.

"Shut up reem ,other wise I'll reveal your secrets?" avu blackmailed her smoothly while others were still laughing . Reem widened her eyes and shaked her head in a no .

"Waiter ,Can I please get a mango juice ." said avu .

"Ok, now we can toast ,to our friendship." shouted manav and everyone toasted their drinks .

Everyone were busy stuffing food in their mouths .Ofcourse everyone there was a hugeee foodies except the twins who were giving very disgusting looks to them .

"Avu what's happening to you ?Are you ok?" asked vaish ,out of blue ,dragging their attention.

"no its fine ,I'll just use the washroom ." said avu looking uncomfortable .

10 minutes passed and avu didn't come back ."what is she doing there for so long? somebody should go check" said reem ,glancing at sid.

Sid pointed his finger to himself and reem nodded in agreement ."ok." he said getting up at once .

Sid was gong towards the washrooms when he spotted some familiar voice calling him .

"Sidd ,We really need to talk, look I have realised that I really love you and can't leave without you, just give me a chance sid ,I'll do whatever you say ,promise ." pooja blabbered as soon as sid looked at her .

"I don't have time for this ,I may think about this later ,you can leave me alone now ."said sid as coldly as he can and left in search of avu.

"then suffer ,Mr nigam." pooja smirked .

sid tried to call her but she didn't pick ,he informed others about it and everyone rushed to find her . He was getting tensed ,he didn't knew why, Avu was not a kid but still he felt like something was wrong . He felt like he couldn't breath . HE was so habitual to her that her not being around him made him unconscious .

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