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(My drawing!! 👆🙃)

"So ,what are our plans for today?" Asked riyaz , squealing.
"Umm, shopping ?What say?" Suggested anu which made girls squeal out of excitement, except avu , ofcourse.
"Noooo!"shouted avu with boys.
"Firstly,we can't use vehicles .
Secondly ,mall is just 5 minutes away from here,that is walking distance. And thirdly,do you guys have a better idea?" Asked unnati like a boss.
"Instead of that, lets stay here only na?"suggested abhi.
"That's a bad idea abhi! Pleaseee???" Said vaish making a irresistible puppy face.
"Ughhh ,fine"abhi rolled his eyes.
"11 O' clock, sharp,meet us at the entrance! " said reem dragging avu with her.
Boys sighed and went to their rooms like zombies .

"Why are we even going? We could have planed something exciting na?" Asked avu whinning .
"This is exciting too !" Squealed reem .
"Heyyy!" came unnati literally dragging manav with her .
"Let's goo!" Came anu and vaish ,happiness evident on their faces, avu rolled her eyes again.
Other boys arrived and they were ready to go .
(A/n I forgot to tell you that pooja was still in the resort ,but she never showed up to them ,she had no option to go to France back, actually ,she didn't wanted to go. This was a bliss for her .)
"Where are your very pretty sisters?" Asked abhi to vsish ,looking at everyone ,who were standing on the entrance from last 15 minutes.

"Hiii guyss, oh wait no one's here, are we early?" Asked amu ,proudly.
"No, come fast" shouted vaish, they were standing in the garden at that moment.
They started walking towards the mall . Anu, reem and unnati were walking at the front ,discussing seriously about what to shop like they were making some dangerous plan.
At the back ,boys were walking discussing about how to sneak out of the mall,in whispers.
Vaish and avu were talking about human brains and hearts, walking along with twins ,who were hell bored ,coz they were too dumb to understand what were they both talking about .
"Avuuu, let's see what are the girls deciding to shop!" Vaish dragged her.
"Noo ,you go." Said avu rolling her eyes for nth time .
"If you will not stop rolling your eyes they will get stuck in there." said vaish ,while walking towards the  other girls,she rolled her eyes again. Avneet just gave a smile to the twins and walked forward.She was not at all interested in giving her brain as a treat to the sisters .
Boys were making plans,she kept hands on shoulder of riyaz and abhi ,who were walking in between,tip toeing her feet .
"If you guys are making plans to sneak out, I'm in!" she whispered .
"How did you know that?"asked jai .
"I'm your bestfriend ,I know about everything you guys think of. " She said proudly .
"Great! Now tell us how to run away ?" Manav said seriously.
"Simple,girls will run away , excited for shopping,leaving us  to ourselves. So we will directly run out.simple !" Stated avu.
"Why we did not think about this?"asked sid.
"Because I have got brains ." said avu proudly."ok leave it, give me a piggy back ride now." Said avu jumping on abhi's back.
"What the- get off" abhi grabbed her hands, in order to save her from falling.
"Abhi I'm not well na? I'm tired , pwiessee! " Said avu like a baby.
Their group was walking alone on the roads ,so they were enjoying to the fullest.
They reached the mall . To boys surprise , all the girls dragged them with themselves for helping .And there was no way left to run away. They sighed and went with their partners . Leaving sid ,avu and the twins at the entrance .
"Sid,I was thinking ,If you could help me, in shopping ." Asked sam shyly.

"umm actually sam, I'm really bad at choosing clothes ,so I don't think I could hep you!" said sid very politely .

"besides, your sister is there na ,she'll help." said avu sarcastically smiling at her . Sam rolled her eyes and dragged amu with her. 

"she was hitting on you! and you ,how can you be so polite to her ? " avu asked him ,desperately waiting for his answers.

"are you jealous or something? " asked sid looking at her .

"I- why would I be jealous?" she replied . Air was getting awkward.

"I think we should go to food court ." said avu breaking the awkwardness .

"did you just read my mind ?" asked sid circling his arm around her neck ,and dragged her to the food court.

They got seated on their chairs . not many people were present there .

"I'll place the orders--"

"oh My God ,The Siddharth Nigam? " squealed a boy of age around 10 years ,that's when sid realized he forgot his mask .he gave him a nod with a smile .

"I'm your big fan sir,I also want to become a big business man like you! " he said excitement evident on his face . Avneet was adoring his cuteness.

"thank you so much! what's your name?"
"ansh! I came here with my mum, from France! " he replied .

"oh that's great, and you will surely become a great business man like him, god bless you" said avneet patting his back.

"thank you, by the way ,nice to meet you miss. " said ansh in french accent ,bowing and kissing her knuckles .

"nice to meet you too(chuckles) avneet." said avneet cutely .

"Is she your girlfriend ,oh wait ,is she your wife ,oh my god ,you are married ,no but I could have known that-" the boy was hell excited and was blabbering things .

"oh man, cool down ,she is my best friend " said sid laughing along with avu.

the boy gestured him to bend down ,sid did,ansh whispered in his ears 

"I promise ,I'll not tell about miss .avneet being your girlfriend ,and if she is not ,then what are you waiting for ,she is cute ." sid widened his eyes and nodded to the boy ,at the same time his mom came there ,they took photos and the boy left ,excitedly jumping .

"He was cute! you have young fans, interesting!" said avu .

"I didn't knew my fans were so adorable ." chuckled sid .

"by the way ,what did he tell you ?" asked avu ,a curious bestfriend in her asked the question .

"n-nothing ,boys talk !" said sid remembering what ansh said to him .

"boys talk?hahaha are you sure?" laughed avu .

"leave it ,I'll order (not letting her speak)grilled sandwiches and a coffee ,I know " said sid moving towards the counter .

Avneet smiled at him.








37th!!! Now I'm getting proper ideas to write .hushh !

Ansh being a sidneet shipper in this chapter! haha

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also ,we are close to 10k views!? Oh My Goddd , I'm so happyyyyy.

Thank you for your love .

double update today!yayy

till then,see yaa



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