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Missed me?


Am i getting a i love you back or should I come over to take it;)

A message popped and reem read it .
"Haww miss kaur,who  is sending you such messages?"

Reem's widened her eyes and shouted loudly ,but avu put hand on her mouth .

"How ,when ?where? Omg omg ? I can't digest ,ahhhhhhhhh... " Reem said finally going mad.


"NO , I  C A N N O T SLEEP NOW!" reem shouted for nth time in the last half hour .She was even more excited for the details of every thing about sidneet than her own love story .

"Reem I'm sleepy ,Please na yar!" avu said fake yawning ,because she knew a lot of teasing on the way . 

"Ughhh don't blush that much ,I feel weird lol ." reem said .

"I told you almost everything ." avu said pulling her blanket above her head.

"I won't leave u but." squealed reem with excitement .


Next morning was pretty cheerful for the new love birds. They were feeling the best self of themselves after so long . 

"Good morninggg !!" sid said with a smile on his face as he recalled the night .

"le-" he was going to sat something but he saw vaish,riyaz,abhi and jai standing very suspiciously and really tired ,it looked like they were trying to wake him up from long time .

"WHAT? is this the way to wish someone morning ,you guys scared me?" he said dramatically putting his palm on chest .

"We are here trying to wake you up from 20 fucking minutes and you are not even moving a bit ?" riyaz shouted at him .

"Oh that-I took sleeping pills ,maybe that's why!" sid said casually setting his hairs. 

"I agree That I have prescribed you those but it doesn't mean you'll eat them like a candy everynight ." she said while taking the pills and throwing them in dustbin .

"No its not like that ,I just couldn't sleep last night that's why." sid said .

"Shut up and you are not taking them anymore . " abhi said hitting sid's head. 

"leave it (turning towards sid) SOO?" jai asked smirkingly(ik its not a word lol.)

"SOO what ?" sid asked ,all oblivious .

"what do you mean? What happened when you went to look after avu .." vaish asked in disbelief .

"Guys uh- she was basically crying -and ah-" 

"She was CRYING ?" 

"Why ? Did you shout on her something ?"

"I know you messed up everything ...ughhh."

"Ab ame sab sambhal na padega!"

"Bro what is this behavior . " jai asked with disbelief ,ending the chaos  .

"Guys kya subhe subhe news reporters ki tarah chilana suru kar diya hai ?" sid said ,planning to run out of the room .

"Leave all that ,tell us what happened ?" vaish asked desperately . 

"Guys you won't let me speak . " sid said ,as his cheerful morning turned so much noisy .

"Hey - what's going on here ?"  avu said ,quite shock to see almost everyone in the room .

"Avuu,how are you ?" vaish asked dramatically.

"Mujhe kya hua hai ? I'm fit and fine!" avu asked ,all confused . 

"AVU (realising his own very happy tone of speaking )ahem ,avu are you okay ?" sid asked ,sparkle totally  visible in his eyes . 

"Ahheeemm!" everyone smirked with more glitters in their eyes .

"FINALLY MY SHIP IS FLOATING!" reem squealed as she entered the room ,pushing avu aside .

"REALLY?" Jai exclaimed dramatically .

"Will you guys stop!" avu said rolling her eyes.

"Hame sab pata chal chuka haiii!!"Abhi said pulling both of them in a bone crashing hug soon everyone joined them to and it turned into a whole group hug .

"I'm sooo happy for you guys!" vaish said looking at them admiringly .

"This is just like a dream come true!" reem squealed.

Avu and sid just giggled while watching their friends happier than ever . 

"Now you guys enjoy ,we will talk about all the details later ." vaish said dragging everyone else .


"ahem good morning !" avu finally said after 2 minutes of comfortable silence ,as they took some time to digest their friends' excitement .

"Not a good morning anymore , They literally shouted in my ears ,ouu." sid whined like a kid .

"It's ok ,reem obviously told them about us .this was expected . " avu said casually.

"YA ya ! " sid said making his bed . 

"But My morning is too good ." avu said sitting on the blanket ,which he was arranging .

He stopped and smirked at her while trapping her between his arms and using his reflexes for support on the bed .

"I know ,mine is much better now ." he said coming closer to her .

"get off!!" she said dramatically pushing him aside and was about to stand up but aise kaise ? sid pushed her down and she pulled him with her on the bed as she lost balance .Avu on bed and sid on top of her .

"so,good morning!"sid said while putting a hair strand behind her ear and she blushed and he loved it , its funny but he was so proud of himself that he atleast made her blush .

She smiled at him ,the purest smile she ever gave to anyone . She was looking angelic in her not so set hairs and no make up face . He looked like a total greek god in his messed up hairs and their eyes looked even brighter than the sunlight .

His lips touched her fire head and she closed her eyes,feeling the best feeling ever.This kiss was full of love and all the pain  reducing aid for both of them  . Finally they were in each other's arm ,unknowingly promising eachother to stay forever . 












FINALLYY I'm back after 2 weeks i guess?or more 😶😭

So sorry but I'm out for classes for like 8 am to 8 pm its tiring ,But I made a full time table now I can easliy write chapters but still slow updates guys ,sorry in advance but the chapters will be good ones ,unlike this one ,it is the most boring chap I have ever wrote lol.

Anyways still asking ,how's it?


andd voteeeeeeee

Till then see yaa!!

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