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Welcome back!! Double update🤩

Sid went to his room and avu went to hers.

Sid closed the door ,tears leaking his eyes, feeling guilty for breaking his bestfriend. He had no option now, he couldn't go back and tell avu about what he feels for her .It was too late ,Avu was happy with her fiancé and he had pooja ,he cannot hurt her again and make her suffer .He could only hide his pain inside himself ,and  this was the only option remaining .

"I broke her and I'm getting its punishments. Yes its alright sid ,you deserved it " murmured sid crying sliding down on the floor .


Avu closed the door and dropped herself on the bed with a blank face and tears in her throat. She knew sid was crying ,She wanted to talk to him the way it used to be before ,but she thought it was to late now ,she felt like  her feelings were rising again for sid and she has to control them ,she loves vishal and she will be happiest with him ,thought avu convincing herself.

She got up and ordered cupcakes .Cupcakes have been her painkiller since the childhood ,she ate them whenever she felt sad or broken ,which would hold her tears back . 

"are you okay? " asked vaish and reem entering the room .

"yes and damn sleepy!!" said avu covering herself more with the duvet . 

"even if she is a psychologist, but I know more about it because I have a permanent patient here" said reem shrugging ,making vaish chuckle. "Shut up and good night." shouted avu .

Vaish went to her room ,reem also drifted to sleep ,no just pretended to be asleep, there were two main reasons, first she knew avu was not sleeping and second they all had planned something special for sid .

Its was 11:30 in the night ,avu was changing sides from last hour ,reem did not react on it .

Avu finally got up ,her cheeks had stains of tears ,went to washroom, cleaned her face .Took her cupcakes ,she didn't eat them before . Went outside the room to find some peaceful place .

Reem on the other side saw her going out of the room ,she quickly informed vaish about avu going out of the room,vaish was a bit scared but reem assured her that ,avu often did this to find peace from last 5 years.


Sid on the other side got off his bed and stood in the balcony ,thinking about so many things all together ,he was not feeling fresh ,he decided to find a peaceful and encouraging place .He took a glance at sleeping figure of jai and moved out of room without making noise ,jai quickly texted abhi and vaish about sid going somewhere ,now they were a bit tensed because their surprise was for sid  .

Sid climbed the stairs to reach terrace of the resort giving perfect view of the city and mountains, soothing air was hitting his face ,he stood their keeping his hands on the railing for god knows how long .

"Can't sleep ?" Someone said standing beside him and bringing him back from his chain of thoughts .

"mhm ,what about you ,why are you still awake ?" said sid taking a glance at standing figure of avneet who was looking at the view and then looking at the cupcakes in her hands .before she could say anything ."What's wrong? why are you eating cupcakes ,and how much have you eaten already? " he asked out of concern, of course he knew why she ate cupcakes .

"Is eating cupcakes forbidden?" asked avneet grabbing another . "Shut up! As if I don't know  the reason behind you eating cupcakes" said sid picking one from the box and eating it . 

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