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here you go with the chapter . 

Idk why its title is so weird ,let it be ,you guys enjoy the chapter!

Next day arise with new hopes for the friends .Transport was fully stopped ,Sonia and vibha were too upset with the system .But they both somehow calmed down talking to avu on video call ,but not satisfied ,but they were left with no option .Yes, vibha was so attached to nandra sisters ,even though she met them rarely, but she felt some connection with them and considered them as her own daughters along with vaish and pooja .

The first thing sid did when he woke up ,of course after freshening up ,was to rush towards avneet's room .He was about to go in ,but at the same time he bumped into reem,as she was coming out too.

"woahh, calm down, you look in hurry? "reem said looking upto the face ."oh sid ! " she grinned brightly . Reem being talkative at any situation didn't let sid speak at all . "she is bathing, She is well ,she even greeted me and I was just going out to bring cupcakes for her .Do you want some, I'll bring for u too?" reem talked nonstop. She seemed happy ,she was getting a hope of her sister's recovery ,after all .Sid stood there dumbstruck for seconds ."woah woman ,chill, how much do you talk(holding her shoulders to stop her ) I have got such a talkative sister-in-law !" he exclaimed dramatically . Reem blinked her eyes thrice "you got what?" she asked ,her cheeks tinted redish . "Sister-in-law? aren't you one?" asked sid teasing her ."ah- ahem ,are you gonna talk here,I mean ,standing at the door, get in,I-i will be back!" she said all red (this girl blushes so much !)"haha, change the topic now ! u can get in also ,I won't tease ." said sid laughing.

"Its nothing like that,she is my elder sister and I should obey her commands, besides ,as if u want me to be a 'kabbab mai haddi' here?" she teased back .

"Very obedient sister ,go ,shoo!  " sid turned her back and shooed her .'that was rude' she said rolling her eyes chuckling .

He entered the room ,with hands in his jacket's pockets, sat on the nearby couch ,in silence.10 minutes passed ,avneet came out drying her wet hairs with her towel ,wearing a floral one piece which reached her knees .She was zoned out ,sid looked at her and only word came out of his mouth was cute ,he actually muttered to himself but she heard him .She gasped in fear ,but relaxed as she saw sid smiling at her ."good morning !" he greeted cheerfully .

"morning! " she said slightly smiling ,but that smiled didn't reached her eyes . Ofcourse ,sid knew that .Silence took place again .

"where's reem? " she asked blankly . "ah, she went to bring cupcakes for you " he said shrugging "but its almost 20 minutes ,since she left ?" avneet spoke .Sid was feeling like dancing ,she was atleast talking after a 5 days complete silence.

Reem opened the door at the same time ."took you long?" sid narrowed his eyes .

"hey avu! how are you ?" grinned jai from back of reem .

"Oh I got it !" said avu smiling ,jaireem and sid smiled at eachother widely.

"what ?" reem asked confused . 

"that.....You went to bring cupcakes .....and you forgot them !" said sid pausing much to tease her .

"oh shit ! I forgot,but how did u know?" said reem with amusement .

"what...else ....do ....you....expect (moving towards jai ) when you find lipstick on your brother's lips (pointing at jai's lips)" sid smiled at her teasingly .Jaireem's eyes widened .Jai quickly wiped it out . sid and avu broke into laughter ,seeing their condition . Avu was laughing ,jaireem forgot all of it ,they were just adoring her . Sid just smiled at her laughing figure widely. "you k-now laughs -once  vishal was caught with a lipstick on his lips by his friend laughs and we were embarrassed  as hell" .they saw expressions changing on her face .sid felt a pang in his heart .

"Huh" chuckled avu humorlessly . tears rolling down her cheeks . Reem felt like crying but she controlled herself. "avu ?hey? don't cry ok ? u know, you look like a red cheeked rabbit, when you cry ?" said sid kneeling down to her level and cupping her face .

"No I don't !" avu sobbed like a kid .

"You do "sid pretended as if he was controlling his laughs .

"you look like a bandar every time, ok" she hit him hard on his chest . Jaireem looked at them in awe and amazement ."ouch " shouted sid dramatically ,he was pretending to be hurt .If it was a way to make avneet happy ,he would eat a slap everyday for her. 

"enough of this ! Avu come on lets have breakfast" said reem controlling herself from squeing in excitement . 

"I'm not hungry !" she went blank again . "for me ?" asked sid again, he knew this would work .

"You are blackmailing me !fine " she said getting up from the table she was sitting on. Sid shrugged at her innocently ,he also found jai smirking at him ,he gave jai 'concentrate on your girl look' .

They reached the breakfast table ,where everyone grinned widely at avu ,except twins and pooja of course. She returned a smile .Riyaz arrived with anu ."sorry guys ! we are late ....hey avu ,how do you feel now?" riyaz said taking his seat hurriedly ."I'm good but what's with everyone wearing lipsticks today?" she smirked ,she literally did .Everyone felt like dancing but they composed themselves  ."what do you mean by that avu ?" anu asked ,confused as always .  

"look at your boyfriend " she turned to look at him and her eyes grew wide .Everyone laughed at them ."you guys are adorable !" said reem admiring them .Riyaz was rubbing lipstick from his lips ,all embarrassed ,but embarrassment seemed less before laughing avu.   "jai was also having lipstick on his lips" laughed sid ,embarrassing jai . jai shot him a playful glare ,he was blushing ."lets have breakfast ,I'm hungry!" amu almost shouted ,she was hell jealous. on the other side ,pooja was not even giving a damn to anything happening around her .Vaish was grateful to her about that.  Everyone were happy to see avu's sudden improvement in health  .

She ordered food .Reem ordered pasta for avu  as she kept zoning out and blank .Food arrived , avneet kept staring at her plate and then looked at sid ,who was sitting beside her, already looking at her. He gestured her to eat. She shook her head in a no ."why?" he asked diverting evryone's gaze towards them .

She didn't reply ,just kept staring in his eyes . He smiled to himself and fed her a spoon of pasta ,she ate it. Everyone had a  'how did you do that ?' look on their amused faces ,some with smirk ,he rolled his eyes to them ,and fed her the whole dish ,Everyone felt like giving a huge round of applause . Oh did I tell you ?pooja already left the table in between ,but they cared less about that right now .










33rd!!! I find avu and sid cute in this chapter. Do you ?

Tell me in the comments .

Sidneet scenes ,yayyy!! many more to come though ! 

Do vote if you like the chapter 

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See yaaa 



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