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Sid smiled at avu and made her finish the whole bowl . Tucked her into the bed and went outside .

"She is asleep." said sid closing the door to his friends who were just standing out to see what's happening .

"that . was . amazing." jai said with amusement .  "well done!!" said vaish patting sid's back .Sid smiled to them . 

"sid ,we need to talk,can u guys please excuse us?" said pooja interrupting .Sid made a confused face while other's nodded and pooja took sid to the garden .

"what happened?" asked sid curiously .

"oh wow, you don't know what happened ,great!" said pooja humorlessly chuckling .

"I will straight away come to the point now ! I don't like it ,when u care more for avneet ,you spend time with her ,you laugh with her ,you fight with her .Basically I don't like you guys together .I feel really insecure ,I don't want you to get closer to her .Please sid ,I request ,I don't want avneet or any of your friends in between us.  " said pooja sternly but softly pleading .

Sid took 15 seconds to digest everything pooja said .He thought pooja was friendly and kind enough to adjust everywhere .But he was wrong ,He took her for granted every time . 

"I didn't knew you had problems with our own friends . I thought you were happy . If I'm committed to you then I'll stay loyal to you ;at least I expect that trust on me ,and about avneet, she is my Bestfriend and I do care for her ,and no one ,not u ,not any other person can stop me from caring for her .Look at her condition pooja ....she is not good ,we need to support her ,right? I don't think my friends are causing so much troubles between us ,why you have so much problems with them .  " sid said in disbelief .

"I trust you sid ,but I don't trust any of your friends here , I know they are not the people they show in front of you ,maybe...maybe they are just nice to you because of your money .Even avneet , I think she's just acting to gain your attention and make you fall in love-" 

"Shut up pooja, not a single word , our friends suddenly became only my friends . Ok yes they are MY friends . you know what ,they don't like you ,but never say anything to you ,why ?just because I tell them that you are a nice girl, they stay quite every time and you are saying they are nice to me because of my money? seriously ? if I go bankrupt ,My friends will never stop loving me and I have that TRUST on them .About Avneet ,Are you really in your senses ,She got a panic attack ,a severe one and you are saying she is just acting...really? IS she really making me fall in love with her ? Oh my god ,that's so stupid (chuckles ) you know what? you don't like me being happier with my friends, moreover you are jealous of them and THAT'S THE MAIN REASON ,but I will never leave my friends just because you feel insecure .I always try my best to  treat you equally. I really do !but then also you are getting insecure then its your problem!(pointing finger towards her .)    " said sid fuming in anger .He never shouted on anyone ,he was the most polite man .But a word against his friends and you are gone !

Pooja released a sob and ran from there crying ,she was horrified looking at sid's other side  and was hell scared to even talk anything . 

Sid straight away went to his room and close the door with a thud . All the boys were there already and jumped from there places .

"broo ,what was that?" asked jai with wide eyes .

"LEAVE ME ALONE ! " shouted sid ,surprising everyone .They never saw he like that and they were damn sure that something was seriously wrong .

"what's wrong si-" abhi kept his hand on sid's shoulder .

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE" he shouted again . Riyaz blinked his eyes and actioned them to do so .

They were about to leave but there was a knock on door . Manav opened it and saw teary eyed vaish standing there .She came near sid ,who was looking down in anger and hugged him tight . 

Sid broke down in her arms . Boys were more tensed now ,but they decided to stay quite .

"what happened vaish? what is this all?" asked abhi keeping hand on her shoulder . 

Vaish broke the hug and wiped sid's tears . 

"I was getting bored and anu was asleep and you were with boys ,I didn't wanted to disturb you all,so I went to garden to take a walk I didn't intentionally listen to what pooja and sid were talking but sid's rising voice stopped me .(she told them about the conversation ,tears rolling down her cheeks ) And I knew sid needed this .  " she said smiling at sid .

Boys stood there speechless .Sid looked at them . "we didn't knew you loved us so much " said riyaz wet chuckling and quickly hugging him .

"I don't know what is happening to me ,why am I shouting on everyone ! " sid mumbled on riyaz's shoulder .Abhi and jai jumped in too .

"we will sort this ." said them in unison .

Sid got fresh ,He was feeling better now .They had some random talks and went to their beds .










32nd done! A chapter fully based on friendship .A bit small than usual ,but long chapters coming soon .

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Also , we are gonna complete 1k votes on this book .I'm super happy about it .Thank you for always appreciating me  and my work .



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