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Sidneet_amor w/@manvi_kaushal this side!!♥

cover by :khoye_hum

This is beautiful ,thank u surabhi!!💖🥺









"abhi ,you like her right, just go and tell na! " riyaz said holding abhi's shoulder.

"But what if she breaks friendship with me because she doesn't feel the same .." said abhi

"why are you assuming things? the thing we see when you both are together is what makes us 100% sure about you telling her what's on your mind." sid smiled encouragingly.

"Besides she's your best friend and ,uska hakk hai(its her right), to know every secrets of yours .Right?" riyaz added.

"you guysss....I-uh...okay, movie night ,I'll tell her." said abhi shaking .


"no no no ,not at all ,I don't want to destroy our friendship ,Let it be na avu, chalne de na jo chal raha hai.(let it be the way its is.)" vaish whined, pacing to and fro, frustrated .

"Vaish, vaish ,cool down, tu pagal hai kya ,itna kya hai jake bolna hi toh hai na(are you crazy?you have to just go and say .)?" said avu .

"If its that simple , you go and tell  sid what's on your mind ,and he should know everything about you right?" vaish blurted .

"ye kidhar se aa gaya vaish,aisa kuch bhi nahi hai(where did it come from,uts not what you think.) !" avu said holding vaish to sit down with her .

"what avu ?what's on your mind,I mean about sid?" pooja asked with wide eyes .

"ohh she has-" avu put her hand on vaish's mouth .

"its nothing poo ,she's gone mad because of frustration." said avu trying to laugh . "Anyways ,I think I like sid." pooja admitted shyly, putting a hair strand at the back .

"WHAT!" vaish shouted even if avu's hand was on her mouth and avu was just stiting their with a o shape mouth .

"oh my my ,we should tell him about this.." said avu trying to act excited.

"And I think he likes me back,have you seen the way he smiles at me ?" pooja asked ,dreamy smile dangling on her lips.

"yeah?" avu asked, vocie soft and defeated.

"wait what the hell ,are you okay avu ?hello mike testing??" said vaish on the urge of going mad.

"what? poo is our bestfriend ,we should help her right?" said avu  smiling.

"guys ,you are the best, and vaish abhi is the best choice ,he is rich also ,you'll get loads of gift if you both get together ,now I have to go ,I have my extra classes ,bye." pooja got up in hurry and running from the room after she looked at the clock.

"I don't like him because he is rich." vaish said making a disgusted face.

"so are you confessing?" said avu changing the mood.

"maybe ,movie night...hey are you okay?" yo avu's disappointment,vaish didn't let go.

"ohh great, what happened to me ?I'm great ,you don't worry ,I think me and sid hangout a lot these days and that's why I'm feeling attraction ,that's it, but I saw the genuineness in poo's voice ,they both will look good!" avu smiled.

UNFORGETTABLE-SIDNEET FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now