30: SORRY!

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I'm glad that u guys are liking the story line .Keep showering ur love !

It's freaking 2 years of Attachment .Bonbros records' first ever song ft.avneet and siddharth ,directed by abhishek and produced by vibha aunty. It's seems like yesterday ,how we all were eager to watch sidneet's first mv together and bonbros first song .This song will always remain attached to my heart.
Stay attached ❤️

Avu's parents were set to come to mumbai but manav and unnati convinced them that everything was fine and no need to come.Sonia was crying continuously all the time and aman called vishal's parents telling them about his deeds .
They broke all the knots with vishal's family.
5 and a half hours passed .Still no improvement in avu's health .
"Doctor ,why is she still unconscious ?"asked manav.
"Maybe because of high doses but if she doesn't respond within 8 hours ,she may go into a coma ." Said the doctor putting hand on manav's shoulder.
"What" whispered reem falling on her knees ,crying. Anu and vaish ran towards her .
"This is all my fault" whisper shouted sid sitting on the chair .
"Sid what are you saying .Don't blame yourself for this ,u didn't do anything " said pooja .Suddenly her phone rang and it was vibha,she went to talk to her.
Sid hid his face in his palms .Abhi and jai sat beside him ,consoling him. Vaish was helping the doctors in the room .Unnati and anu sat beside reem .
"This is all my fault ,avu is suffering just because of me and I can't even do anything about it" said sid sobbing .
"Bro don't blame yourself please,you have to stay strong for her ." Said jai sid hugging him .
"She was first into this situation because of me ,how could I stat quiet.i should have trusted her at first place .But I didn't ,I'm the reason she is suffering" cried sid.
"Sid ab jo hua so hua.forget it ,we will take her out of all this ." Said riyaz putting his hands on sid's shoulder.
"I could have just STOPPED her from going ,I could have trusted her, I could have just told her that I LOVE HER, she would have never found in such a situation ." Sid cried uncontrollably.
"What?" Said reen coming towards him .Sid soon realised what he said.
"S-sid you love her? "Asked reem .
"Reem lets not talk about it now." Said jai .
"No jai ,it is important ,tell me sid ?" Said reem taking his hands in hers.
"I don't know!" He said in a low tone.
"Sid,listen to me,please tell me if it is true or not,u can help avu come out of this .Please for her,tell the truth." She sobbed .
"Ye-yes " he replied .
"I knew it, because the way you handled her at the resort showed me everything,it was not a mild one this time and you calmed her .U can take her out of this sid !"she said hugging him.
"How can he take her out of this?"came pooja's voice .
Reem realised that ,sid couldn't do anything to save avu .
"We all can,we are her friends" said riyaz .
"Yeah ok,anyways aunty said she will come here with avu's parents in 3 days ." Said pooja
Everyone nodded .
"Guys doctor said we can meet her, but she is not conscious" said vaish coming out of the cabin .
They silently went inside .Avu was lying on the bed with wires on her hands .
This broke the group again .
"Hey baby! I know u'll be out of this,you are strong ,come on wake up now,we have so much work to do for our wedding .Right?" Said vaish going near her .
"Avu , we are dragging you for the shopping,if you are not getting up. " Said reem wet chuckling.
Every one sat their in silence . It was late night .
Every one went in the waiting area.
After few minutes ,they saw simran coming towards them .
"I wanted to talk " she said in low voice.
"What else is remaining now?" Said jai glaring at her.
"Jai! (Stopping jai.)What do u wanna talk miss.whatever ur name is" said reem.
"I-I am really sorry about what vishal di-did ,"she said sobbing.
"He knocked out,few hours ago.doctors said that he has limerence ,it is a disorder caused by love sickness ,a person can go psycho if he doesn't gets love back. He is going through this since we fi-first broke up and that's what cause him to do this.doctors said that ,he cannot recover from it even in a lifetime. I-IM really sorry for-r everything ,we are going to Greece as soon as he recovers a little." She said sobbing hard.
Reem went and hugged her surprisng every one.
"Take care of itself ,sorry for whatever happened to u" said reem .
She nodded slightly and went away.
"Proud of u" said jai hugging her .
They sat there in silence ,soon the nurse informed them that avi came to her senses and they rushed to her room.
Girls hugged her first ,holding their tears ,they had to stay strong for avneet .
Then the boys hugged her,boys were even more emotional than the girls ,sid hugged her she hugged him back ,whereas she didn't even respond to other hugs . Everyone seemed happy looking at them ,except one.(uk that)
Done!A bit short but hope ull like the chapter.
Do tell me how was the chapter in the comments section and vote if u like❤️
Suggestions are always welcomed .
Happy Diwali lovelies 💕
See ya

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