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Sidneet_amor w/@manvi_kaushal this side!♥

"Don't even try to blame her! no girl uses her body with her choice!" sid dragged aryan down in the hall. He told about everything to vibha ,except avu's part in it ,Vibha quickly called aryan's parents and contacted their school. Aryan was expelled from the school as soon as they got the proofs , Aryan's parents had to pay for him for stealing avu's phone to capturing and blackmailing a girl ,he was sent to observation home (its basically a prison for under 18 kids . they are kept there depending on how serious there crime is. ) .All the group members were praised for not hiding the truth and standing against what was wrong .Vibha was proud of all the children ,but she could not understand why aryan stole avu's phone.

After that it was late at night so everyone decided to have some fun and a night out ,it was pooja's idea, because she was saved despite of  making the plan herself . Sid was silent all the time ,he said he wanted some  fresh air ,so he went to the garden ,everyone knew the reason behind it  ,so they let him have some  space .Pooja was confused ,why was sid behaving weird ?

"I'll go check on him !"pooja turned around to go after him.

"no need ."riyaz  said sliding infront of her with a sarcastic smile on his face. 

"don't act oblivious ,we knew it was your plan ,and I'm not gonna leave you now ,how selfish are you huh? You broke your own bestfriend's heart ." vaish stated angrily .

"w-wh-what are you talking about vaish?"pooja muttered, hell scared.

"If you try to to do anything again ,I swear I will destroy you!" jai gritted his teeth. closing his fists tightly.

"We are not doing anything because ,we know we don't have proofs against you, and sid will not listen a word against you ,because he has already lost his best friend by not trusting her. Right?but don't expect good behaviour from us" abhi warned . pooja nodded on the verge of crying and ran towards the guest room . Sid came after half an hour ,tear stains clearly visible on his cheeks . He sat on the bed ,where everyone was already staring at him .

"Vaish ,can I talk to avu?" sid whispered blankly . 

"she-e has changed her number ." said vaish crying.

"I will never forgive myself for hurting my avu." said sid ,a tear leaked from his eye .

No one was able to control their pain now ,everyone engulfed sid in a assuring hug ,in other way telling him that they will have his back, always .After that their friendship grew stronger and stronger .


After Sid passed 12th grade nigam family and rathod family moved to France.

Vaish and abhi tried to search for avu's or reem's number ,or their parents' but failed .

Jai started a youtube Channel   ,his growth was remarkable and he was loved all over the world , at the age of 19 itself, he was also studying arts . Whereas sid being so talented and hardworking , took over his mother's multinational company at 21 ,as a CEO  . Jai was invited for the tour of India in order to attend different shows .His first destination was  Bangalore. He travelled to Bangalore ,hoping to meet his best friends ,but just hoping .

He reached there and his first show was at New Era Designing  University . He was cheered up by all the students ,he talked about his career ,his background ,cracked some jokes in between ,answered multiple questions,all in all he felt like a motivational speaker .After his fun show ,he was a bit free so he decided to walk around the collage because he found the infrastructure cool. He talked about this with the dean and he allowed him .

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