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Sidneet_amor w/@manvi_kaushal this side!♥








"OH.MY.GOD" reem shouted .Jai looked in shock at her .Manav saw sid and avu and ran towards them .Sid and avu separated from each other with wide eyes, they were still thinking that they were hallucinating.

"Oh my god avuuuuuuu!!!"pooja suddenly hugged her tightly and distanced her from sid. avu was still  not in her senses and was not able to digest what she was seeing .Sid thought he was paralysed in his place ,his senses not responding,everything sounds and feels shallow ."girrlll I missed you!What a surprise ?" said pooja faking smile.

"Wait ,what the hell ,You guys were coming at the wedding .right?" reem asked ignoring pooja.

"no reemi, you guys were coming directly to the wedding!" jai said who was still holding her hand as if He was afraid to let her go now.,as if she would vanish the second he lets go. Reem's fingers burned where jai's were touching hers,but currently they had a bigger confusion to solve .

"nooo ,wait ,its vaish's engagement, right?" reem said looking at jai.

"what ?is she getting married again? but abhi brought us here ...its his engagement" said jai trying to connect the points,his face looked like something clicked in his mind and he felt overwhelmed.

"what? but how could abhi get married ,he is already married?" said reem .

"vaishnavi has three kids babe." reem blushed ,but not the topic of concern right now,but started laughing .

"wait wait wait, see vaish is married according to you ,abhi is married according to me ,toh ye engagement hai kiski(who's engagement is this then)?"reem exclaimed whereas manav and unnati were controlling their snickers so hard that they turned red.

"they freaking pranked us! dumbo." jai yelled ,his face splitting in a widest grin . All the elders gathered there and were shocked to see each other ,they met each other and everyone was busy in their own conversations where sid and avu didn't even utter a word ,they just kept staring in eachother's eyes as if they were searching for answers . A tear slipped from avu's eye ,sid noticed it but was hugged by someone .

"siddddd, I missed you." reem said on the verge of crying. He patted her back and looked at her cupping her face, "you look beautiful" .

avu was hugged by jai and she let her tears come out  ,because she missed her brother so much .Jai wiped off the tears ,she went and hugged manav ,who was eagerly waiting for her , he has always loved avu as his own sister . Avu and unnati were meeting for the first time and gave each other warm smiles.

"I missed you idiot" said riyaz hugging avu and then reem. Anushka was watching all this with teary eyes and a happy smile.

 Anushka was watching all this with teary eyes and a happy smile

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