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"THAT BITCH!!" pooja slammed the door shut in anger.
"How much acting is needed to convince someone that she's not well. Such a attention seeker. Sid is being too protective towards her. What if-no No no ,he can't do this to me ,I can't let him go" said pooja crying in frustration.
Reem, anu, unnati and vaish were with avu,in their room as she said she was tired and needed rest .

Amu and sam , ignored completely by everyone were clicking pictures a d recording reels , carelessly.

"That was truly amazing ,I must say!" Said manav patting Sid's back.

"How did you even fo that? "said jai excitedly.

Sid chuckled at his 'always overexcited 'brother ' ," I don't know,it just happens .u know?"

"What a reason ,and yes we trust u" said riyaz smirking .

"What?" Asked sid looking at him in confusion, correction, pretending to be in a confusion.

"Atleast don't act in front of us(Chuckles with a smirk)you know that ,it's all love u have for her and she has for you! "said abhi straight away.

"I don't know ,MAYBE ,it's love from me ,but not from her side ,for sure. MAYBE she still feels for vishal. oh come on, what MAYBE ?She does! And IF I tell about this to pooja ,she'll get hurt .And I want to stay loyal to her. IF she knows ,she MAYBE, harm herself .And IF avu comes to know about this then she'll feel guilty and stress herself." Sid finished his speech of ifs and maybes .

"done with you ifs and maybes now ? Firstly ,sid, you have to decide ,If you really feel for avu, then being in relationship with pooja doesn't make any sense. Does it? its betraying pooja in either way ! Its just holding you both in a forced relation, where there is no love .Set her free , don't hold on her unnecessarily. Its better for you both !Before she gets more hurt. " suggested abhi calmly . Before sid could say anything-

"huh!" clapped pooja chuckling . 

"wow, finally ,got a chance to provoke sid against me? Great! I thought I won't tell sid about reals faces of his FRIENDS ,huh, but I have to tell !"

"Pooja! we need to talk calmly ." said sid .

"YOUR FRIENDS ARE PROVOKING YOU and you are telling me to stay calm, how ? huh? how should I stay calm . This abhi (pointing towards abhi) he's just with you ,so that he gets a better financial support, writings doesn't earn well ,does it? (chuckles) riyaz is toh there ,why would he leave such a rich bestfriend ,and I'm telling the truth ,they have a problem, and that's why they want to break us apart so that they could take full advantage of you!" she was blabbering things .

"SHUT UP ,SHUT UP! I have told you before ,not . a . single .word .against . them .Didn't I? Watch your mouth ,what do you think ?huh? I'll just believe ur stupid 'truth'? you are growing so insensible pooja ! It has become so difficult to even talk to you nicely for more that 2 minutes"  sid shot  glares to pooja . 

"You don't  see any bad in your friends ,you are too innocent to do that ,listen to me sid ,they are not good. Avneet ,what should  I say about her ? Firstly blackmailed me by using my pictures and now blackmailing you all just to gain attention . She is such a selfish woman -"

"SHE DIDN'T BLACMAIL YOU AT FRIST PLACE ,shut your mouth " sid shouted .

"Huh! you'll take your dear best friend's side only, I know it ." scoffed pooja .

"I LOVE HER ,I FUCKING LOVE HER! Do you get that ? I was gonna be polite while speaking about it to you ,but u have crossed all your limits now , I didn't wanted you to get hurt in all this ,but you hurt me the most ,how could you be so insensible ? " sid said shouting more ,pooja freezed on her place ,a tear leaked her eye .Abhi and riyaz made sid sit on the couch again . 

"You moron, you betrayed me? I won't leave you now (she pointed finger towards sid)" pooja left from there burning in anger .

"I'm a mess! I didn't wanted her to know this ,like that!" sid said burying his face in his hands.

"I agree, you should have stayed calm sid!  "said jai .

"Lets talk about this tomorrow ! go to sleep everyone ." said manav ,as he sensed everyone's tiredness .
34th!! I have ALOT of assignments to do ,that's why a small chappy

He confessed to pooja,finally,but was his way correct?
Tell me?

Did pooja actually love him that she is hurt ?

What's going o her mind?Guesses pleasee!

Favorite scene?

Worst scene?

Also I love to read inline comments by you guys! It really encourages me.

Do vote if you like the chapter.


Till then see yaa!!


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