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"guys ,I don't know whether it was dream or not ,but I saw something ,which is bothering me from morning itself . The person ,I don't know him but still felt like I knew him for so long ,confessed his love for me ,on the terrace ......Oh,wait ,I was not supposed to tell you this ,was I?" said avu face palming .

"WHAT?" shouted the other three.

"you mean,you don't know whether it was real or not?" asked vaish.

"yes." avu answered.

"its ok avu,don't think about it much.It must be a dream." said unnati.


"Of course I know you love me and you also know I love you ,that's the reason we got married right!"

"You are my husband!"

Words were echoing in sid's mind .

"Sid, SIDDHARTH? " reem shouted bringing him out of his thoughts .

"ah?" he asked ,all confused.

"I asked you ,do you want to tell us something ?" reem asked narrowing her eyes, as if she got to know something from other source and will soon burst out on sid.

"N-n-o I don't have anything to share as such!" he asked stuttering for 10 times in a sentence .(A/n he can't lie ,he has this stuttering problem when he does.) 

"why do you have to waste so much time of us and not come to the point?" asked vaish ,folding her hands.

"will any of you ,tell us what actually happened ?" asked masoom(innocent) abhi,who was not really understanding what was going on.

"will you please shut up for some time ,you'll come to know !" said vaish in warning voice. Abhi immediately kept his finger on his mouth .While riyaz was laughing at him before receiving glare from anu . (manav and unnati took avu with them for a walk intentionally.)

"What are you talking about ? I'm...confused!" said sid .

"well,avu dreamt of someone confessing to her and have been thinking about it since the morning -." said reem ,finally.

"woahhh!" exclaimed jai in amusement . 

"on the terrace-!" vaish completed the sentence.

"lucky you, she couldn't figure out the face ,but she told us that she heard a familiar voice." added anu further.

"you guys are actually completing each other's sentences, its....fascinating! " said riyaz excitedly.

"you can't be serious for a second .can you ?" said vaish rolling her eyes .

now boys were shut by the girls,and the atmosphere seemed serious .

"so Mr. Nigam, will you care to explain?" asked reem demandingly .

 "ummm....at the terrace ---(read chapter 40-41,in case you forgot !!) I couldn't help taking it out of my heart anymore ,I didn't knew it just came out of my mouth and it felt....right! " said sid finding words to explain .

"We Are Proud Of you idiot!" said vaish ,patting his shoulder .

"We were just playing around!" said reem laughing at his very horrified face .

"I mean-wait ,you told her ? great work bro!!" said jai side hugging his brother.

"but the point is she doesn't remember much of it ." said abhi ,stating facts .

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