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She was confused ,If sid even liked her ,then was it just a little attraction that he is attracted towards others really quick ,she felt a pang in her heart but did not accept that she was jealous and could not see any girl ,in a clingy way ,around him .

But she won't tell him ,why? oh come on ,she thinks she cannot give happiness to anybody she is close to .

But little did she know ,what sid was actually trying to do .


"AVNEET KAUR NANDRA?" knocked reem for the 8 th time . 

Avu came to real world as soon as she heard the shout .She quickly ran towards the door . 

"H-hey!" she smiled weirdly .

"I was scared !what the hell you were doing inside ?" reem shouted again .

"I was sleeeping !" avu fake yawned .

"Wow ,nice bahana! now tell me what were you doing?" reem looked at her like a pro .

"why me alwayss...." whined avu pulling her fully in the room and closing the door . 

reem gestured her to continue speaking .

"Oh nothing I was just irritated by amayra and was cooling myself down ,that-that's why I took time to open the door ." avu sighed invisibly. 

"that's it?" reem raised eyebrows .

"That's it!" avu replied confidently .

"I know you were jealous. " reem sat on the bed dramatically.

"Wha- why would I be jealous .Reem ,you get annoyed when sam is around jai doesn't mean everyone around you is irritated by the sisters in that way. " avu replied.

"I never talked about being jealous of the sisters (air quoting ) 'that way'.Means you are jealous because she is going on date with your sid.HAHAHA" reem teased her.

"aree aree Reem I think you are going mad without jai ,I think you should go ,besides I'm so sleepy and I really need a nap now ,ok byeeeee." avu dragged reem with her till the  door speaking like a bullet train and kicked her out of the room .

"Ha ha karlo topic change .lets see ,For how long you can hold your feelings in your heart." reem shouted through the closed door assuming avu was listening across the door which was shut on her face ,few moments ago. And ran away to tell vaish about this .

"Oh god ,ye reem ki bacchi,she keeps talking about such things and makes me think too, ughh,I really need a nap ." said avu slipping into her sheets. 

Evening arrived and sid was preparing himself to tolerate 'chalti firti makeup ki dukan (walking talking makeup shop)' .He wore a ocean blue shirt and looked dashing as always and made his way towards the dinning hall . Jai and riyaz were laughing at his condition all day while unnati really felt sad ,because it was her idea but couldn't stop laughing at him .Manav and abhi took his side always and sympathized him every time .Reem and vaish didn't tell them that the plan was actually working .

Sid was finding ways to get less irritated during his so called date in his mind and walking like a zombie in the corridors ,still looking hot .

bumped into his one and only bumping partner .

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