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Sidneet_amor w/@manvi_kaushal this side!♥

this chapter is flashback of what actually happened when all these friends were young .The present story will be continued after this...❤









26th June , 12 years back

It was the first day of Students of Gurukul international school in Mumbai after long summer holidays .The empty school ground was filled with laughs and chatters again. Sun was shining bright with fresh wind blowing ,in short it was the perfect day filled with good vibes all over the school.

"Sid ,I'm not helping you on very first day!" said a 12 year boy (abhi.)

"Come on, its just bunking maths class ,its not that hard ,I don't wanna ruin my first day of school because of our maths teacher!" said sid rolling his eyes.

"No way, I wanna get good grade this year, I'm not helping" said abhi sternly.

"you are so boring abhi, you get A+ always and you are the one wanting to get good grades.Its kind of ironic." sid said mocking him. abhi hit his arm playfully. Siddharth was a prankster of their school and always hopped around the school like a monkey ,but he was also a bright student. Abhi was a nerd but ,if sid and riyaz are with him he can also go insane.

"Please bro ,not today!" said riyaz getting irritated. Riyaz was a chocolate boy of school and was very friendly.

"ughh okk. "said sid with a pout.

"attention students, Welcome back to your very own school, Hope you all are happy to see us again. Wishing you all best of luck, shine bright you all .Also, Hope you'll will make the new students comfortable and befriends with them! " said the principal addressing the students standing on the prayer ground in rows along with separate rows of new comers from all classes .

Everyone went back to their classes and took their seat ."Good morning mam ,My name is Avneet kaur Nandra ,Can you please tell me what is my section here, actually I'm a new student!" asked a beautiful girl with two ponies ."Oh yeah sure, Avneet right? you are in 7th B! Also I'm the class teacher " said Miss. Rose smiling at her and shuffling pages to find her name .

"Oh thank you ,see you in the class mam." avu said reflecting the smile .Avneet was a bit nervous today because she was going in a totally new environment and meeting new people .She was born and brought up in UK along with her sister Reem. she had to come to India ,because her father had to look after her grandfather's business too. she put all the nervousness at the back of her head and entered a room where a board indicating '7th
B' was hanged on the side by wall.

"This is the worst day ,I have to seriously seat on the first seat ,this is all your fault abhi," said sid groaning looking at abhi who was sitting behind him and riyaz sitting on his left with a very clingy girl .(One boy and one girl on the bench was the arrangement and abhi and sid's bench seats were empty.)

"What have I done? I just sat here first " said abhi proudly and sid turned around ignoring him and what he saw made his heart skip a beat. he could already hear his heart beats in rhythm. A sweet girl looking a bit nervous was searching for a place ,she looked new,she had chocolate curls tied up in a cute ponytail ,her big brown eyes ,scanning the room curiously , sid felt something moving in his stomach ,it was the the first time he felt like he was burning and evaporating .

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