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"I-I-I ummm I'll tell you later ." sid said moving away from her .

"Oh my god ,he is just simp for me ,I know he loves me and now I'll do anything to get him ." said amu with a evil smile plastered on her face .sam patted her back in appreciation.


Avu engrossed herself in the phone again ,disappointing her bestfriends unknowingly .Sid was now out of her sight .


He is trying to move on in his life .Thank god, He took my words seriously .I'm sure he will find someone much better than me ......but wait ,Amayra ? She is nice but not sid's type ,why is he with her ,she is clearly hitting in him .Oh my god , why is she clinging on him ad he is letting her come closer .What is going on here .OK avneet don't react ,breath ,breath ,don't look at him .


She closed her eyes and looked involuntarily in his direction and there was no one ,she sighed and went towards vaish .

Day passed ,sid did not dare to come near amayra as she was way more clingy than he thought. 

Avneet and him didn't see each other the whole day and no one even bothered about that ,they decided to give them space.

"Can you believe it ,oh my god !! Its happening !!" amayra was continuously squealing from last 15 mins and other girls were confused but annoyed more than that .

"My dear little sister ,will you tell what's wrong with you ? " vaish asked trying not to punch amu i face .

"everything is so right! (dreamy sigh) sid finally agreed to go on a date with me ." amayra said ,bringing her hands together and sighing again.

"WHAT?" reem screeched .Vaish and anu calmed her down.

"Avu dear ,can you please help me pick out a dress for evening ." Amayra asked in sugar coated voice .

"You have your sister for that!why need me?" avu asked blankly sipping on her 3 rd coffee .

"But I want you to choose ,your choice is always great ,that's why !remember you chose clothes for us at the mall." amayra pleaded . She was doing it on purpose ,almost like showing avu that she won .

"I didn't choose them be-" avneet was cut off

"pleasee!! besides you are his bestfriend you know better what he likes...please,don't say no." amayra squeezed her hand ,which made avu roll her eyes ,but internally .

Avu smiled at her and nodded ,amayra dramatically hugged her and then dragged her near her closet .

"guys come on lets sit in the garden ,its the best time to sit theree." sam dragged vaish with her .

Girls went with her without protesting leaving amayra and avu alone in their room,as per sid's instructions .

"So ,what kind of dress do you need?" avu ased ,'I'm not interested' clearly written on her face .

"I wan something magical ,Something which can make sid to drool over my body (walking while dreaming about her own self) Something which will not allow him to look elese where ,just me and him. Something really perfect,which flexes my curves properly something- "

"enough ,I understood!" avu felt sudden urge to murder her ,but she stayed calm ,she reminded herself that she was a doctor she cannot kill people .

While avu was picking out a silver dress with glitters all over it ,amayra disagreed on it .Avu picked best dresses ,her cupboard was filled with glitters ,only chamk dhamk ,and avu was already getting irritated .and amayra kept denying and continued to talk non stop.

"What do you think he will say to me after he will see me?" amu asked sitting on the couch.

"That ,you look pretty. " avu sighed ,not audible to amu .

"I can't wait for our date ,ahhhh,I'm so excited .Look first he will take my hands in his the kiss my knuckles (more joyful squeal) (avu stopped searching for dresses.) then we will talk for sometime ,eat out food ,then he will ask me for a dance ,Oh comeon I'll agree ofcourse ,then he will pull me closer ,and I'll pull him more close (sassily flipping hairs) then if NOT him ,I'll kiss him,oh my god ."


"THIS DRESS IS PERFECT ,I SHOULD GO NOW ,BYE! "Avneet said loudly ,scaring amu and flew out of the room (not literally 😂)

Amu smirked to herself picking the black dress and admiring herself in the mirror .

Avu straight away went to her room and locked the door .

"Breath ,breath....But I saw wish to slap her tight in her face .......no avu,calm What are you doing ." she convinced herself .

"Hii Jealous ass!  " came a voice behind her  ,on turning around she saw herself ,munching on a chocolate .

"YOU?I mean I? what do I mean?" she asked herself .

"Shut up ,I'm your mind ,tell me what's the issue ?" 


"actually,I know what's the issue ! You are jealous. " 

"not actually ,why would I be jealous? Will you stop speaking shit? "

"firstly ,you are speaking to your own mind ,so you are only speaking shit! 

and secondly ,you know you are in love with him so it is obvious to get jealous when he is close with other girls . " her mind stated facts .

"I'm not a 15 year old teenage girl to get all possessive about him ,stop it ,I don't need your advices ."

"and this way you keep lying to your own self again and again and keep hurting . Accept it and tell him ,you need him you just don't know ,Listen to me for god's sake! " 

"I don't feel anything like tha-" she stopped as she saw no one around her . 

She was confused ,If sid even liked her ,then was it just a little attraction that he is attracted towards others really quick ,she felt a pang in her heart but did not accept that she was jealous and could not see any girl ,in a clingy way ,around him .

But she won't tell him ,why? oh come on ,she thinks she cannot give happiness to anybody she is close to .

But little did she know ,what sid was actually trying to do .









46th!! Alexa play Jealousy jealousy  by Olivia Rodrigo.....

She was jealous but she didn't show...hahah ,what do you think ,what will happen on iconic date with amu ? 

Will Sidneet confess or will amu win sid's heart over?

Do leave a comment sowing your excitement for next one ..

I'm late again, I know but Everyone's falling sick ,so did I ..

 I wrote this chapter in hurry ,ignore mistakes please .

14k+ views and near about 2k votes ,thank you so much guys!! ILY❤

Also ,Sid is unwell ,Pray for him for a speedy recovery !🥺

Till then,see ya!

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