45: PLANS!

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"I'm afraid of love ,people I love go away from me,I don't want to lose him or any of you ."avu squeezed her dress tightly .

"I loved vishal ,but I was not able to be the one he wanted ,result ,he cheated on me ,I'm not made for love ,I'm done with this ......I don't want sid to suffer because of me ,I'm a bad luck. " avu said.


"No avu, why are you searching for negativity? There's nothing like that ,it was all fate!" said vaish.

"I don't wanna talk about this for now." avu got up from her place and covered herself with blankets and dozed of to sleep . Vaish and reem sighed heavily. 

Sid was trying to be normal but ,deep down he was broken ,the guilt of putting avneet in dilemma and asking her straight forward and hurting her stayed in his heart and it would not recover until avneet talks to him . 

Late at night ,everyone except avneet were awake . I mean were not even pretending to be asleep under the sheets like avu. 

They were sitting in sid's room ,were having a normal chit chat until their eyes led on sid who was talking very little ,trying to solve a Rubik's cube .

"Sid?" abhi elbowed him .

"What?" sid replied not looking up from his cube .

"Everything is so wrong with him." sighed reem looking at sid .

"kya kare?" (what to do?) riyaz asked quickly.

"Sid ,sid listen to me I have a idea ." unnati jumped from her place .

"what unsu?" manav squealed ,so confident that she will have a great idea.

"Manav you remember that Shweta from our college? " unnati asked excitedly .

"Yess..noo..but why?" manav asked confused .

"So basically ,manav proposed me first and I rejected him ." unnati started and she knew sid was listening too.

"I mean I was really confused about my feelings -" unnati continued .

"nahh you thought that u didn't deserve me and shit ." Manav laughed at her .

"Whatever , we can say I was confused(glaring to shut him) soo what he did was hanging out with Shweta ,who was another simp who roamed around him like butterflies roam around a rose .Which apparently made me feel like killing Shweta right there ,we can say jealousy - "

"and just in 10 days she said yes and we are together since then ." manav completed her story . 

"ohh that's interesting...but what's idea in it ? " jai asked confused .

"Offoo buddhu!(idiot ) she means that jealousy can make you realize your true feelings for the person and positive jealousy can make your relation stronger and unbreakable .  " reem explained to him.

"Oh that.OHHHHHH !" realisation striked jai's mind and he shouted loudly .

Sid who was solving cube completed last colour of the cube and cube was solve completely and looked up at his friends .

"I know what to do ." he smiled at them ,throwing the fully solved rubik's cube towards jai and jai faltered in order to catch the cube and fell upon reem.

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