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His lips touched her fore head and she closed her eyes,feeling the best feeling ever.This kiss was full of love and the pain reducing aid for both of them . Finally they were in each other's arm ,unknowingly promising each other to stay forever


"So ,Only 25 days left for our marriage !" abhi said ,with a notepad in his hand .

"Even if we didn't get to travel places ,we still have 10 days in our hands, We can still travel! " Vaish suggested .

"what's the plan guys?" riyaz said ,ofcourse excitedly .

"I have some places in my mind by the way!" avu raised her hand .

"PARIS?" vaish squealed . "The city of love." abhi dramatically pulled her closer .

"Paris sounds.....beautiful." Sid said out of words ,he was so much excited .

"Guys ,I'm finding tickets ,but before that we need to go to our homes and meet our parents?" manav said pulling out his laptop .

"Great idea !......wait someone's calling." unnati accepted the video call.

"Hello kids ,how are you all? " their mothers shouted through the phone excitedly .

"We were talking about you guys only!" vaish said . 

"You know what,we are coming home!!!" avu squealed .

"First check your messages bacchas." sonia said .

Messages beeped on each of their phones and the were flight tickets to paris! "what?did you guys just read our minds or what?"

"Kind of,we thought ,you all must be bored staying at the same place so we arranged this trip for you ." vibha said all smiley .

"But the flight is at the night ?TODAY?" jai said with wide eyes .

"Shut up kids,you all are going and that's it ,hamse toh milna hi hai badme ! and don't worry about us we are eachother's favorite company ." said sonia side hugging vibha,anushree and nirmala.

They had some casual but excited talks with their moms and they finally agreed to go ,but time left was very less and they had to pack their bags on urgent basis . Thank god, they did their shopping before,so they had to just pick some clothes .

Everyone rushed to their rooms and quickly packed their bags .

Packing bags in such less time was next to impossible and boys were obviously messing up the whole room ,their respective girlfriends/wife had to help them out too .

They boarded the flights on time and after a peaceful (do you think it was PeaCEaCFul?) flight They finally stepped in the city of love . All were now officially couples so visiting this place was really special for them , (did I tell you that the twins didn't know about sidneet being official? oh yes,twins were also there with them . )

"Hushhhhh finallyy. We have a whole day to rest guys , So I think we should enjoy ourselves and lets visit places tomorrow . " Sid said as soon as they reached the residence.

"I got you brother ,I got you ." vaish patted him ,teasing him .

"let me correct your sentence ,Enjoy with your girlfriend !" abhi said making a heart with his hands .

Avu blushed with a chuckle . 

"Wait Wait ,Sid has girl friend ? " sam asked pushing reem and anushka aside ,who were taking a selfie ,they cursed her in their mind for ruining their picture .

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