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Sidneet_amor w/ @manvi_kaushal this side!♥






After hectic day for both girls and boys, they all went back home with huge shopping bags.

Everyone slept as soon as they came home .But sid and avu were awake ,not able to sleep,  Thinking about the sparks raised in their bodies ,just for a mili second in  the mall. Thousands of questions in  their mind  but they had their life partners now and there was no looking back ,but forgetting  each other so easily was not possible!  


"OH GOD ,can't you do it properly ,you ruined my dress!!" Amayra yelled ,anger evident on her face .

"don't you know how to work ,I'll complain about this to uncle and aunty ,they will definitely suspend you!" samayra added sternly.

"don't you know how to work ,I'll complain about this to uncle and aunty ,they will definitely suspend you!" samayra added sternly

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( In case you don't know them! {Purva in 2023 actually likes them lolz})

"Who's here this early in the morning?" came a voice from behind them .

It was sonia smiling .(Amandeep and sonia reached mumbai a day before ,but planned to surprise the girls. All these people ,over here, like to give surprises in everything!) .

"Who are you?" samayra asked disrespectfully,

"Ohh you guys are already here!" vaish interrupted her with a very excited smile (sarcasm)

"What a great morning!" vaish mumbled and rolled her eyes ;hugged her dear sisters.

"Ohhh wait,sonia aunty and aman uncle .....God, I missed you both " said vaish on urge of crying . Sonia wiped a stray tear and kissed vaish's forehead ,whereas amandeep pulled her cheeks "my daughter is all grown up!"  

"Di who are they, we are your sisters ,don't we deserve some attention." amayara rolled her eyes.

"you are getting attention and they are my family ,anything else ?If no so please go to the guest rooms and freshen up."vaish tried to say it politely with a sarcastic smile.

"vaish , no problem beta you guys go and freshen up and come for break fast."  sonia said in sweetest voice . The twins went up stomping their feet.

"REEM PINCH ME!" Avu shouted .

"Oh my god why ?" said reem looking in the direction avu was looking .both ran towards their parents and jumped on them(A/n also there's nothing like hugging for these people they always jump on each other! lol). 

"what a surprise ." both of them giggled . Avu smiled at at all of them laughing ,she felt complete ,she felt at home.


UNFORGETTABLE-SIDNEET FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now