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good to be back ,eh?


She turns and is about to go towards her room ,when she stops abruptly . It happens in a split second ,she presses her lips to his ,locking her arms around his neck ,its short but sweet,sid is taken aback by her sudden actions and thus is too slow to react , "Good night ." she whispers against his lips and let go off him and runs towards her room leaving sid in awe .


Sid wakes up with a smile on his face .Life's indeed beautiful,isn't it? He is starting to believe he is the happiest person alive ,this is all he wanted ,a reason to live ,a reason to breath and Avneet is all of it .

If he's asked to talk about avu and how important she is in his life then he might never stop talking .

Today,he was incharge of planning their next destination and he's ready with his plan already , call him selfish but the place they are going to is specifically avu's favourite. Don't blame him ,he's just a guy in love .


After an hour or so everyone gathered in the hallway, ready to go .

"So what's the plan? "Manav asks .

"The plan is we get into the mini bus ,which is standing just outside ." Sid says,without giving any further information.

"Sid atleast tell me ,where are we going ,exactly?" Avu whines ,if she keeps on making those cute puppy faces ,Sid might not survive actually.

"Are you coming or not?" Sid has to put in a lot of efforts to ignore her pout and steps forward, leading his team to the bus .

Bus ride is fun ,it always is. There's a lot of gossiping,loud laughter and a compulsory 'antakshri' round .

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh." Everyone is startled on the sudden screaming , Sid jolts up to see if avu (who was still squealing) was okay.

"DISNEY LAND?"She asks him with wide eyes and Sid sees it then ,a small sign saying 'welcome to disney' but before he could start laughing at her she jumps on him "thank you thank you thank you."

And there's cheering from all sides ,everyone seems happy for this adventure day then .

"Isn't it a bit childish though?"sam blurts .

"Never let your inner child die ,sister dear." Vaish glared at her ."Sid ,good jobbb ." She squealed and Sid spared her a playful wink .


"This is my favourite place in the world, Sid." Avu says , squeezing Sid's hand .

"You have said it 6 times avu, I get it ." He chuckled ,letting his arm wrap around her shoulders .Avu smiled brightly at him ,all teeth on show ,Sid could not resist pecking her temple .

"You are my favourite person in the world."avu says holding his waist ,still looking at him with love and adoration.

"You guys are so in love ,it's disgusting." Jai snorts ,his own hand in reem's.

"Look who's talking." Sid hits his little brother at the back of his head ,"wait till I tell mumma." He smirks and jai just rolls his eyes dragging reem forward .

"Where to ?" Avu asks ,her cheeks rosy red ,is she blushing right now? Avu blushes so much around him and Sid loves it so dearly .

"Who wants to go to the rollercoasters first?"Sid shouts so it's audible to everyone else. Everyone agrees and they make their way towards the ride .To be honest,Sid is shit scared of that thing but what's life without risks?

"Just hold my hand okay?"avu whispers when they are belted and in their seats.Sid does as he is told ,intertwines his fingers with his lady love . Few minutes in the ride are really fun but then suddenly there's a sudden rush of air in his face ,Sid feels his heart thumping in his ears he couldn't help but scream ,avu's screaming too but her smile is blinding .

"Avuuuuuuu, I think my heart's stopping."he sreams even louder .

"You are not gonna die sid, I'm here."avu giggles ,her hair flying with the wind.

After almost losing his voice ,the ride stops and avu is helping him out of his seat .

"That was...."he is breathing heavily.Avu' toothy smile is turing into concerned one .

"You okay?"she asks rubbing his back ."still scared then huh?you should have told us na,no one's forcing ya ."

"But you love it so much." Sid says between his heavy breath and deafening heartbeat.

"That's not even logical ,come on."

"I want to be with you in every rollercoaster ride avu, be it in life or be it a ride." Sid says ,his body calming down when Avu starts running circles on his back . Her hand stills for a second and then she's is smiling so fondly at him, Sid might die now.

"Did you eat cheese in breakfast?" She asks hitting his back lightly.

"I mean it , princess." He says ,earning a kiss on his cheek .

"Me too by the way." She says shyly and avu is never shy .

They are walking aimlessly in the adventure park , every couple has parted their ways so that they can find good things to do without wasting much time.

"Look,a wishing well." avu points at the small artificial well ,decorated with little flowers ."I want to wish."

And so here they are tossing a penny in the well .

Avu joins her palms together,closing her eyes and all that ,Sid mirrors her position too . He wishes for nothing but her , he wants everything with her , her beautiful face,her blinding smile her button nose and her gorgeous self .He was never good at romance though but for avu he might actually want to try ,she deserves so much more ,maybe it's guilt she went through a lot and Sid was a reason somehow .But it's more out of love for this breathtaking girl .There's this one point in your life where you feel whole ,you feel complete and your stomach feels nauseous (in a good way) all the time .

He wants everyone else to be happy too, his family and friends, who are the most precious pieces holding him together,he feels so lucky to get what he has ,he would never change it for anything .

He thinks avu is 'it' in his life . Maybe it's too early to think about wanting to spend his whole life waking up beside this angel girl ,but sometimes heart knows what it wants and his heart wants brown eyes and curls and a sweet smile,which hes sure belongs to avneet kaur.








Tidingg here I'm ...
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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