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"I forgot about everyone ,not on purpose obviously. but I don't know- it just happened ,I did not completely break contacts and all,but rarely talked to abhi or vaish or riyaz,but these people never really left my side,they never failed to bring that one genuine smile on my face . Then one day abhi called and I was damn sure he was going to marry vaish ,but his stupid pranks hufff!!" sid let out a shaky laugh ,as he felt so overwhelmed talking about everything and letting his heart remember some really good reasons to stay happy.


They talk about their excitements for the wedding ,they talk about their embarrassing moments ,about their happy moments ,their bad days ,their achievements ,their passions ,their dreams, food ,games ,future plans ,anything and everything ;making this night unforgettable part of their lives . Its so good ,its so romantic,actually ,avu loves how sid just goes on blabbering about some client who walked like a penguin ,trying to interpret the client's actions by bouncing on his chair and clicking his legs weirdly . Avu laughs, genuinely ,from her heart ,sid truly makes her happy,makes her heart smile brighter than it ever did ,she was so stupid to waste so many years .But she really is happy and excited to spend her life with sid and she doesn't even have a 0.01% doubt on marrying sid ,she is sure about it ,she will never fall out of love for him .

She's beautiful, avneet ,she is driving sid crazy ,just by sitting there ,her chin supported by her palm and her eyes emitting glitters and love ,so much love that sid cannot imagine himself anywhere without her .He is truly ,madly and hopelessly in love and he's not a bit ashamed about it . Avu listens to him with so much concentration and a fond smile on her face that sid thinks he is melting slowly . Her cheeks are rosy because of the cold ,or maybe a blush ,sid would like to go with the second guess .Her hair tied in a bun but some manage to fall on her temples ,hiding her chocolate pools from sides ,she speaks so dreamily ,every word escaping her lips so important to sid even if it doesn't make much sense sometimes .

Her lips are a little chapped because of the cold but sid knows they are warm ,and he has a sudden urge to taste them again ,actually,he wouldn't want to stop kissing avneet ,like ,ever .

Avneet is in the middle of telling him about a party she went to ,years ago ,when she tripped on her own dress ,when she catches sid staring ,more than necessary,not that she is complaining .

"you are staring." she feels her cheek heating up at the grin that washes his face .

He tugs her hair strand at the back of her ear ,tracing her earlobe delicately until he opens his mouth ," Can I kiss you ?"

And avneet is so so gone for him already,she thinks she cannot fall more in love with him ,but she is falling harder and harder everytime sid says something like this,asks her for consent,compliments her ,it seems a very simple thing but to avneet,its showcase of affection love and care and she's glad sid knows that . 

Her hand rises to cup his cheek, rubbing her thumb softly against his ivory skin ,"you don't have to ask ." she manages to speak ,even if she thinks she is gonna pass out soon . His face breaks into a even wider grin ,she pulls him closer by his t-shirt and closes the distance between them .

Her lips are soft and welcoming , sparks are all over sid's body and he feels like he is going to explode ,his heart is thumping so hard in his chest, his mouth refuses to keep that smile from his lips and kiss her properly ,she is smiling in the kiss too , its just teeth and smiles but its special,its different,its the most amazing thing and they cannot describe this feeling in words .


And they are reminded that they are not alone in the house and of course ."OH." Jai is standing at the balcony door ,his eyes so wide that don't seem to fit in their sockets anymore . 

Avu slowly glances at the person just witnessed AND ruined their moment ,of course ,it has to be jai ,karma is bitch . Sid is still holding her in her place ,only their faces apart from each other  ,she then glances at sid who is glaring at jai with so much determination, she sees the horror on his face too, they are going to bear jai's teasings for rest of their lives now and its not as easy as it looks .

"this a public place ,guys." jai says air quoting his words ,his lips quirked in a smirk and sid wants to just slap it off his stupid mouth. "get a room." and snorted out a laugh .

"what are you doing here?" avu asks ,rising her eyebrows . 

"Yeah reem was---that's none of your business ." he says,his face turning red suddenly and avu is thanking her lucky stars for letting this pass and she can tease jai instead . 

"she's my sister ,its defiantly my business." avu says getting up and walking towards him . 

"if you think I'll pass this whatever you guys were doing here ,if you think that look on your face will scare me ,then no darling ,HA Good night ." jai says with newly found confidence he didn't know he had and kissed avu's cheek making a disgusting popping sound and ran away laughing like a child . 

"idiot." avu rolls her eyes fondly ."congratulations to me ,now I'll have to deal with their teasings for my whole life ." she says looking at sid ,crossing her arms . 

"Oh hello ,its us,together ,ok ? we will deal with it ." he says poking her forehead and pushing it backward .

"It's your fault ." avu says slapping his hand away .

"and how is it my fault?" he asks ,his voice is doing things to avneet ,she is not discussing the things happening to her though. 

"You were the one who wanted to kiss me ." she says ,but it comes out so soft,she wanted it to be bold . 

"oh is that so ,you mean ,you didn't want it ?"

"shut up ,you are annoying ." she says pushing him backwards and turning around to walk away . 

Avu looks cute when she fakes anger ,actually avu looks cute every second ,but she looks even more cuter when sid has a effect on her and sid feels butterflies in his stomach ,looking at her red cheeks . She turns and is about to go towards her room ,when she stops abruptly .  It happens in a split second ,she presses her lips to his ,locking her arms around his neck ,its short but sweet,sid is taken aback by her sudden actions and thus is too slow to react , "Good night ." she whispers against his lips and let go off him and runs towards her room leaving sid in awe .










Well,well,well! look who's here .

this is most Definitely a filler chapter and I know its damn boring but more interesting things are on their way and you guys are NOT  ready for it hehehehheheheh!!!!

this is it,thank you for reading!!!


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