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The then talked about many normal things ,sid was not at all fully into the conversation ,his eyes were finding avu and she was not there .He just wanted to end this and apologize to amyara as soon as possible but she was not at all letting him speak .

with a alot of struggle ,vaish finally understood that he wanted to be out of this .

Vaish called him immediately and dragged him out of this weirdly uncomfortable date .


Avu didn't talk to anyone the whole evening as she was pretending to be sleep or busy in some work.

But she was getting really impatient and was feeling anger rising inside her .

She decided to take shower to release her stress . The water drops fell on her bare body while answering each of her questions .

The first time she saw him after years .even if she was in love with vishal ,she was drown into those hazel eyes and her body wished to stay in his embrace .But her loyalty towards vishal kept her strong . But after getting betrayed by vishal himself ,she was all broken .Which left no space for love in her heart .But the calmness and rhythm og the water falling made her think of the moments she spent with her bestfriend ,who she was in love with .

Their first day of school fighting ,their laughing on inside jokes, there dancing weirdly on any song ,teasing eachother .

She realizing her feelings for him for the first time .She could feel the happiness and calmness she had years ago . He stealing glances every now and then ,she catching him adoring her always.

He protecting her , she being possessive for him .her melting down on his pouty face ,getting killed by his smile which reached to his eyes .

Her crying on his shoulder .them sleeping in weird positions ,when tired of home works . Their talks ,their fights ,their comfortable silence ,their understanding each other .....Every thing came running into her mind .

She closed her eyes ,her tears got mixed with the shower .

"you are my bestfriend .Isn't that enough for you?"

"I love you ,avneet!"

"I knew I loved you then ,but you'll never know!"

"Hmmm, I was wondering ,if you could go for a dance with me?"

"you can't lie to me! "

"such a rabbit you are! "

*The eye contact at mall for fraction of seconds .*

*The epic colliding on the engagement of abhinavi *


*the terrace wish *

*sid singing the song looking at her *

*their dancing weirdly at the ball night.*

*he crying on her shoulders.*

*they fighting every now and then .*

(these are the scenes avu is remembering .)

A small smile crept on her lips ,she opened her eyes which were sparkling with clarity in them.

She finally accepted that she loved sid ,still.She realised she could not leave without seeing him everyday .She wanted his presence in her life ,she felt stronger inside ,stronger enough to go tell him what she had in her heart .

UNFORGETTABLE-SIDNEET FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now