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Keep Streaming attachment along with LDK and HLTP!(attachment's gonna complete 2 years in just a week😢❤️)


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Everyone came back from the walk ,pulling eachother's legs ,especially teasing jaireem all  the way .

"So what now?" asked sid raising his eyebrows .

"Lets go back !! " said vaish keeping her head on abhi's shoulder .

It was 12 in noon already, They had their brunch in nearby restaurant and headed towards the resort .Their sitting positions were same ,but this time jai was driving the car ,reem at the passenger seat ,sid and avu at the back and twins in the middle .

Other couples were on the bikes . It was 3 hours journey ,After an hour ,they decided to stop and take some pictures and enjoy the moments .

As it was winter , the afternoon was warm and freshening .Greeneries on both side of the road  .Chuckles and laughs of their group could be heard on the lonely road .

No matter how lonely or dark it is ,when you have friends who light up  your life just by their presence is the best thing in life . You can just be the way you are ,You no need to think about anything when you are with them . The best memories we make with our friends ,sharing our happiness sadness and what not .When you suddenly distance from them and meet up again after a long leap ,and if you are still the same with eachother then that's the best thing happened in your life, same as the group. The kind of love they have for eachother is the sweetest thing ever. They all were feeling like they came back to life again ,the moments they missed these years were lived by them now! Despite of misunderstandings avu and sid were back to their friendship why? Because the kind of trust they had on each other, their friendship .No matter who they were dating or who they were engaged to The bond they would cherish was their friendship and it was enough for them .When you are a teenager ,You feel lost if you don't have friends or lost them .When suddenly your bestfriend leaves you ,its the biggest heart break .But they are back to heal each other's wounds ,for being the guiding light of eachother.

They sat in the cars and on the bikes and started their journey again . It was 4:45 already .

By 5:30 ,the sun started to set ,everyone stopped to look the sun setting ,another day well spent with friends!

Anu was clutching on riyaz's arm with her head on his shoulder and her other hand intertwined with his ,Riyaz was talking to her about random but romantic things .A wide smile was crept on her lips ,she was thanking her lucky stars for riyaz ,She never thought that she would be blessed with this kind man ! watching the sunset in peace ,with her LOVE!

Abhi and vaish were sitting on a stone ,vaish admiring sunset and abhi admiring his moon.

"What?" she asked looking at him confusingly. "You look beautiful!" vaish's cheeks turned red and she chuckled at this . 

"I love you !" she said looking into his hazel eyes and cupping his face .

"I know!" he said with a proud smile ,receiving a soft slap from vaish .He kissed her forehead , with lots of love and care ,admiring the nature and thanking god for everything in his life .

"em en vee come heree ,look how beautiful is this!" said unnati dragging manav with her to one of the relings of the road.

"what a view !" said manav looking at her ,she side hugged him ,he took her hands in his and kissed it softly. "thank you for everything unsuu" he said out of blue .

"I love you mr.rai" she said placing a kiss on his cheek and both of them watched the sunset in peace ,feeling each other's love .

A little far away jai and reem were walking ,chasing eachother and having fun . (yes,jaireem's romance is never complete without walking😂)

Jai intertwined his fingers with hers ,She blushed hard ,feeling her newly found love's touch .

"you look more pretty when u blush " said jai stopping .

"I know "she said looking into his eyes. "These are the best days of my life ,thanks to you ." said jai cupping her face ,

"Kar diya na ek pal mai paraya!" said reem dramatically making a pout .Jai chuckled at her cuteness and pecked her pout ,her eyes widened at his sudden moment .jai slide his hand around her waist and pulled her closer ,leaned to kiss her ,Their lips finally met ,currents flowing through their bodies ,reem slide her hand around his neck and kissed him back .It was a soft and passionate kiss  ,filled with love and affection ,Their first ever kiss was memorable! Its was a small kiss ,they parted from each other ,reem could not look into his eyes ,because she was all red .He lift her face and made her look at him , "I love you !" said he kissing her forehead ,she closed her eyes ,feeling the moment .A tear of happiness leaked her eye and she chuckled ,hugging jai ,they stayed in the postion feeling their presence and love .
Twins were firstly clinging over sid ,but he didn't give them a damn , so they were shooting reels on the road,yes ,you read it right REELS!

Avu was looking at the sun leaning onto the railing . Sid was looking at her involuntarily correction admiring her.
"You must be missing pooja na?"she asked bringing him back from avuland .
"Huh? I-I don't know" he said not knowing the answer himself.
"What do you mean by u don't know?"she said looking at him in confusion.
"Avu I want to tell you something!" He said gathering all his courage.
"Co-continue" said avu a bit scared because she knew what was coming.(any guesses?)

(Just kidding)

"Avu,I don't know what I exactly feel for pooja.I should miss her right?But I don't feel like I'm missing her.I should feel love when she is around me.but I don't! I keep convincing myself that I love her,but it just doesn't come out .I really don't wanna hurt her by telling her about this.but I needed to tell to someone.I 'm confused!"(what did u guys guess?)
Saying this sid kept his hands on railing, sighing. He felt sparks flowing through his body all of sudden .He saw avu kept her hand on his .On the other hand avu's situation was also the same,she was feeling butterflies in her stomach.sid was just looking at her and then at their hands.
It was not the first time they were holding hands but this time it felt different.It felt like their hands were made for each other. They stayed in silence watching the sunset.
"Sid?" Said avu squeezing his hand a bit.
"Am I the reason ?"she asked in a low tone.
"Huh?"he asked confusingly.
"I-leave it!"she said taking her hand off his .
"I myself don't have the answers avu !"said sid looking into her eyes.they knew what they were talking about ,talking through their eyes.
"Leave it! U must be missing your FIANCE,what's his name ?Vishal ,yes?" Said sid diverting the topic quickly.
"Yah I miss him ,but not that much because I have u guys here" she said sounding like she was disappointed with the question but she didn't let it show on her face.
"AHHHHH " shouted the twins
Everyone jumped from their places and came running towards them.
"Why are you shouting??"said vaish horrified.
"Dii our reel is so good and that's why we shouted in excitement!" Said sam shiplessly smiling at everyone.
"Are you guys mad or what?U scared us" said reem glaring at them.amu glared back .
"Reemi chill!Let's go" said jai pulling her towards car.
"Lets go guys,it's dark already" said abhi mounting on his bike and they all drove towards the resort.
Done!! It was a bit boring but it is  silence before the storm .
Are you excited for the next one?
If yes shower your love on this chapter and if I get a really good response I will post a double update or the chapter tomorrow itself instead of friday.
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Stay tuned !
Love u all!!
See ya

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