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Sidneet_amor w/@manvi_kaushal here!♥





Vaish and Abhi intentionally never talked to sid or jai about them being in relationship .Because they were planning this since a long time (A/n planning dekh rahe ho)  . They also lost contact with vaish ,and she did not contact them purposefully .So they were unaware of everything.


The ring ceremony was over and everyone seemed super happy and excited . 

"Ja-jaijeet ,I 'm your biggest fan ,O my god ,are you real?" said amyara clinging on jai .

"haha yes ,nice to meet you amyara ,right?" said jai awkwardly. "Are you done amyara ?vaish is calling you ,come" said reem ,not even a bit jealous(sarcasm) ,dragged amayra from there. Jai mouthed her a thank u ,he thought she saved him (A/n but we know the truth😌) . 

It was lunch time and their gang sat on the same table .

Abhi-vaish -riyaz-anu-jai-reem-manav-unnati-amyara -samyara-sid-pooja-avneet then again abhi .Pooja sat between them both purposefully ,no one was uttering a a word ,it seemed like a dream to them , "see na guys ,how fast the night changes, we are sitting together after 7 yearsss " said reem excitedly . Whereas amayra was giving googly eyes to jai and samyara was continuously staring sid . "Sam .aha ,he has girlfriend " said pooja smiling veryyy sweetly which diverted everyone's gaze .Sid was soo awkward between pooja and sam ,he decided to eat his food ,keeping quite.

"avuuu" said pooja turning towards avu ."How are you, you look beautiful today " avu just smiled to this ."nice to meet you again pooja" said avu calmly taking a spoon full of rice ."Yes , Mai kaise na aati,abhi ki engagement thi ,aana hi tha mujhe ,and also you all are invited to my and sid's engagement too." said pooja dramatically .sid looked at her ,narrowing his eyes."what?aren't we getting engaged sid?" said pooja lifting her arms ."I guess-" sid was cut off by pooja "leave it guys, he is joking ,he always does this ,haha" said pooja handling the situation . "Tell me about you reem and avu ,What's your status ha?" asked pooja teasingly .

"I'm single " said reem after jai pushed her elbow to tell her to answer ,she was totally uninterested, "Not ready to mingle ,ye bhi bol de " vaish said loudly with a teasing smirk ,avneet chuckled on this ."until she meets-" said avu and started laughing (if you don't remember this , read 6:why sid why? chapter ,u'll understand),"inside joke guys!" said vaish looking at other's who were confused ."Vaish ki bacchi" said reem pointing her fork towards vaish. "arey reem let them get married first yarr" said riyaz laughing out loud ,"Riyaz , shut up." said vaish with wide eyes ,after receiving a teasing smirk from everyone including abhi . sid was not uttering a word , he was eating his food and taking glances of laughing avneet .Abhi was busy observing him , with a smile . "and you avu?" asked pooja holding avu's cheek . "I'm engaged!" answered avu awkwardly smiling, Sid who was eating choked his foodand started coughing after listening to what avu said ,and everyone looked at him . "Oh my god sid ,what happened ,drink water, take this" said pooja offering him water. Avu was more awkward now . "ha so what you were saying avu ?" asked pooja excitedly ,yes she was so happy . "let's not talk about avu's fiancé ,otherwise someone can die here ,haha" said jai awkwardly, but laughed . reem, vaish ,abhi and riyaz were laughing silently ,anu was a bit confused and sam and amu were looking at them like they were some aliens . "a b guys, I'll be back ,I got a call" said avu and sid in unison with wide eyes .Making them laugh out louder . pooja was looking at them in shock ,and samyara was burning ."sid and avu why are you both behaving so weird?" said anu really confused , "ahem, anu haha I'll haha tell u later" said riyaz between his laughs. "Riyaz!" sid and avu said in unison , again ,eyes getting wide again.

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