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sid ,on the other side involuntarily walked into the rain ,tapped her shoulders .

and asked her to dance with him ,same way shahrukh asked to kajol in kuch kuch hota hai .

"filmy hh?" avu said holding his hand and putting the other around his neck .

they both couldn't stop smiling at eachother !


"I love Baarish !" avu said her hands still encircled around sid's neck .

"and I love you !" Sid said twirling her around ,she couldn't help but smile wider than ever. They could hear the music called love ,their hearts beating in rhythm   ,the rain drops kissing the ground  ,the sudden shivering noisy wave of air were as if giving instrumental support to their song . 

Sid pulled her closer ,her hands involuntarily made way to his chest ,His heartbeats were faster than ever and she could feel it ,her Brown eyes searched for his hazel eyes and trapped them .

Her wet hair,the water dripping all over her face ,her killing shy smile ,made sid feel hotter in that shivering  cold rain . The world soon disappeared ,even though the people standing in the shades looked at them ,some in adoration and some giving looks for no reason ,but the world stopped ,the rain drops were still on their places .

Avu's legs went numb ,because she was nervous for no reason ,her leg slipped ,but when sid's there how could she ever fall.

He grabbed her waist in seconds .

The memories of first day they met after years , came  rushing infront of their eyes ,how everything went in slow motion (refer to chapter called man mast magan if you forgot ) ,the petals fell on them as if they were made to fall on them ,their eyes seeing eachother after years ,but had questions and LOVE hidden behind the questions ,which was not ready to show itself .

But now ,Now their eyes were crystal clear with lots of love ,care and adoration for eachother ,They finally found the relief ,answers to eachother's questions .

The rain slowed down to see love blossom between them , the rain drops  turned into sidneetians and eagerly waited to see their lips touch .

Avu closed her eyes .

Her heart was beating fast  ,but as soon as she closed her eyes her heart was not beating fast because of her nervousness but because of everything she faced before.

Vishal's care towards her, his immense love ,and no matter what happens he was her first kiss and nothing could ever change that fact for her .She was able to move on from sid at that time coz vishal was there who gave her the love she craved for ,even if it was fake but she lived in that moment ,she had loved vishal even if she was not able to forget sid . 

Everything came rushing in her mind .

Sid leaned forward ,there was hesitation from both side ,not much time was passed when they broke up with their partners. There was still that respect for pooja that would never get away from sid's mind and heart .But he knew he has always loved avu and he saw forever in her eyes and all his hesitation turned into passion.

Avu's grip on his shirt tightened and she gasped and panicked as soon as she felt his breath mixing with hers.

Her eyes opened involuntarily and showed fear in themselves .

Sid got worried and made distance between them,he saw that fear in her eyes before, when she was betrayed and Sid's heart broke at the thought of seeing the same fear in her eyes when he was close to her.

But he was not blaming her,he was blaming himself for being the reason that she still fears.

"Ahem.....Sorry." he muttered ,pulling avu back to her legs and immediately left her body.

She felt his warmth vanish in the cold breeze and she was more than guilty for ruining the moment .

For the first time since they met ,they had a awkward silence moment .
The rain stopped by now and the rush on the road was felt again .

Sid gave her a small smile and went back to the shade where they left their belongings .

Avu internally face palmed.

She stood there ,not even realizing she was shivering .

Sid took his coat in one hand avu's purse hunged to other arm and her heels and rushed towards her ,he made her wear the coat.

"Let's go?" He asked and turned to avoid more awkwardness between them.

After he got no response he decided to walk expecting avu to come along.

Avu realized she was so in love with sid that she let go vishal's memories and locked them at back of her head.She was not going to ruin the moment now.whatever her past was, sid was her present and her happiness. She wanted to show him how much she loved him .

She grabbed Sid's wrist, sid  turned back to see her eyes breaming with sparkling tears which got mixed with the rain water dripping her lashes ,but he could sense her crying.

His concern for her grew and he felt guilty for acting rude and awkward .

But to his surprise ,nothing he was scared of happened .

Avu pulled him closer to her , gathering all the courage she had ,she tiptoed to reach his height ,not even giving a second to digest everything going around him she connected her lips to his .

Sparks flowed down her body and as water is good conductor of electricity she felt more intensity of the sparks (A/n I'm so funny lol)

Sid was taken aback for a second but was quick to answer back ,Avu's hands found his chest again and involuntarily pulled his shirt closer to her to fill all the gaps between them.

His hand reached her wet cheeks and cupped it so lovingly . And the other hand supported her back and turned her around a little so that she was comfortable.

There was no competition for dominance.
It was pure ,passionate slow and the most beautiful feeling .
There lips were just made for each other .
Not each other's first kiss but their kiss made them forget all the pain given by their first kisses.

Avu was happier than ever ,kissing sid was a dream come true  .

They were so into each other that they didn't notice people awing around them.

It was effiel tower, which got to witness their first kiss too, among thousands of couples .
But every couple was special everyone had their own story to tell ,everyone here shared their own special kiss.

That old couple was right this place was magical and special and once you are here ,there's no looking back .

Passion grew between sidneet and it was a new start to their happy lives.

It was avu,who broke the kiss after minutes .

"I need to breathe ,dummy ." She said looking into his eyes and going back to her feet from her tiptoes.











I hope I can make this chapter reach to your hearts.

Soooo, how's it?
I felt as if I was having my first kiss lol😂

Do you believe in happily ever after ,coz I don't *smiles evilly.*

Ok ,don't get tensed and enjoy the chap.

Don't forget to leave a comment and do vote!

Till then ,see ya

UNFORGETTABLE-SIDNEET FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now