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"Hii guyss!" said abhi sitting on one of the chair near food court ,totally tired .

"you guys are back really soon? how?" asked avu , surprised .

"and do you guys find us?" asked sid.

"is that even a question? where could you find two foodies in a mall?" said jai .

"you guys were missing so we came here, and we are not done with shopping." said vaish .

"let's order something first and then you both are coming with us. " said reem dangerously pointing at sid and avu .

They ordered some snacks and shopped for almost 3 hours . After so many request ,girls agreed to going back to the resort. 

Avu looked more excited to go back and she was walking ,no ,running out when she bumped into some one .

"watch your way!" Said,none other than pooja , sid was taken aback.while everyone else rolled their eyes in unison.
"Oh so whole gang is here ." Said pooja , shamelessly.
"And why do you care.mind your own business." Sid riyaz dragging sid with him .
"Aww ,you think you are making me feel guilty?Nah not at all." Pooja smiled sarcastically and others left her as they did not wanted to make a scene .
Sid was sad, she was totally different today, not the girl who loved him.
Sam walked forward in hurry and , intentionally,tripped on to her leg and fell on sid.she didn't care about what was said going through ,she just wanted to be near him.
Sid grabbed her shoulders to avoid her from falling.
"Ouch, i think my leg got twisted. I can't walk." She cried,with crocodile tears ,of course.
Everyone looked at her ."if you don't mind sid,can you carry me?'' she said like she was gonna die in few minutes.
"I'll help you sister dear , come." vaish forcefully dragging her away from sid.
"Don't even try girl,it's all vain!" Whispered reem in Sam's ear ,smirking at her.
They reached resort .They saw the people who were staying here gathered in the hall . After talking to some of them ,they came to know that,the owner of the resort has planned a ball night and party tonight fir his longest staying customers.
"See , my idea was not bad.we have shopped much ,and so we have dresses for tonight!!" Said anu excitedly.
"Yesss , something exciting after a whole week."said jai dreamily.
"I'm excited too!!" Squealed reem .
In all this ,avu gave them a small smile and excused herself .Sid noticed it ,even everyone else did,but they didn't do anything , purposefully.
Sid went behind her.saw her sitting on the empty stair case ,crying silently.
"What happened?"he asked sitting beside her.
"Mhm , nothing."  She replied wiping her tears.
Sid gave her a 'done?Now till me' look.
"One more event which will make me feel alone." She sighed .
"And who said that you are alone ?We all are here ,"
"I know,but me going to parties with vishal just came running into my mind and it hurts me!"
She said keeping her head on his shoulder.
"Hmmm, I was wondering ,if yo could go dance with me?" He said .
"Shut up sid!"she said boringly.
"I'm serious !" He replied quickly.
"I mean we are best friends ,we can go together?"he asked .
"Ihu god save me from this idiottt!" Chuckled avum while sid made a grumpy face.
"Ok fine ,I'll come with you."she said pulling his cheeks .
"That hurts man!!" He shouted rubbing his cheeks.
"If some one will tell me that these two are Not what we call soulmates,I would kill myself at the very moment. " Said jai.
"No words about killing or dying,jai!" Reem said folding her hands.
"Sorry mylady !"he said cutely .Making them chuckle .
"It's really cute to see them together." Said anu adoring them.
"Now you guys take rest,meet y'all at the party!" Said abhi .
They went to their respective rooms .
"U handled it so well bro" said jai. "Thanks" sid said smiling slightly.
"But you know what guys ,I don't think I should love her ,because ,i may even loose what we have now ,she is not ready for anything ,nor am I.let it be all this confessing and all.let us be best friends for life. "
"Whats life without risks,besides you guys need time .thats all!" Said riyaz thinking to speak more .
"You will not get hurt or broken in every case .If you are not gonna think about the brighter side then , you are stopping something which can blossam your lives ." Said abhi calmly.
"I really need time!" Said sid jumping on his bed.
38th!!Double update !!Well itz not a double update anymore,but I had to go to attend some function and we reached home late .
How'z the chapter?
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Till then ,see ya

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