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"HOW ROMANTIC." jai shouted in the camera.(friendly reminder ,they are crazy!thanks.)

"Shut up she is tired." sid said calmly . Avu couldn't take her eyes away from that face ,which was looking at her with so much adorance.


It was dark everywhere and avu slowly blinked her lashes ,its was evening already ,she slept a lot  .She grabbed her phone on the side table and checked the time and it was 7 already and she knew she ruined sid's date night for sure.

But no one even came to wake her ,which was suspicious but knowing her bestfriend from inside out ,she understood that sid warned everyone not to wake her up .

The door clicked ,which made her come out of her thoughts and she jumped a bit as there was pure silence everywhere .

"Good evening!!" Sid shouted in the still dark room ."why aren't the lights on?" he said switching on all the lights in the room .

"You scared mee!" avu said rubbing her eyes like a litte kid .Soon sid's image got clearer to her eyes and she noticed sid was having a bag and a bouquet ? and he was in his iconic shorts ? What was he upto ?

"I'm sorry I slept a lot !" avu said ignoring the sight .

"ohh come on don't behave like a typical sanskari girlfriend ,I know you sleep ,like a lot ,don't behave like we were strangers before dating and we were sent on a blind date by our friends to set us up ,oh they actually did ,but it was not a blind date hahah I'm so funny!"  sid laughed to his very lame joke .

"two options.1st girlfriend and 2nd bestfriend ,who's reaction you want?" avu said narrowing her ,not so fully opened eyes.

"huh?" sid raised his eyebrows in reaction .She raised her eyebrows too .

"umm the bestfriend one !" sid said ,after thinking a lot ,like it was a very tough question .

"ok. This was the shittiest joke I have ever heard in my entire life and you are not funny at all ,now move ." avu said sassily pushing him away from her way.

"waohhh I'm habitual to this by the way but I'm hurt !" sid said rubbing his arm dramatically .

"ok the girlfriend way , HAHAHHA you are so funny baby ,I just love your jokes ,hahahah" she said more dramatically coming close to him .

"no the bestfriend way is cool!" sid said stuttering ,aha avu came to know she had a effect on him too. "see told ya !" she said ,moving towards the washroom . 

"Hey wait ! " sid called her . "I forgot to ask you (handing her the bouquet) Will you go on a date with me ?" he asked ,Avu nodded with a huge smile .

"I knew you would ." he said handing the bag to her. "I wish to see you in this ,before you ask I brought this when you were asleep ,hope you like it , I'll be waiting outside!" sid said while walking towards door and giving her his most beautiful smile and closing the door .

"avu excitedly headed towards the washroom. "A little touch of makeup and she was ready . she quickly took a mirror selfie and sent to her chat group with her besties ,which included all her favorite girls and their group was named OGs ,it is ridiculous but yes it is what it is .  After getting complimented by the girls she was ready to go . 


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