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That old couple was right this place was magical and special and once you are here ,there's no looking back .

Passion grew between sidneet and it was a new start to their happy lives.

It was avu,who broke the kiss after minutes .

"I need to breathe ,dummy ." She said looking into his eyes and going back to her feet from her tiptoes.


After having a delicious meal at one of the cafes ,they returned to their villa, they  fortunately got towels at the Cafe ,but their clothes were still drenched with water ,Sid's coat hanging on avu's arms and his white shirt having water marks all over ,the rain didn't stop fully on their way but it was slow enough for them to get to the villa safely .

"I should-*acchii*"

"you should go change,I'll make you some turmeric milk." Sid smiled ,stroking a hair strand which fell on her face ,she nodded ,a light pink shade never left her cheeks . 

They parted ways and avu went to change in her room . 
"aiye aiye(come, come ) so DETAILS?" Reem shouted as soon as avu stepped inside .

"oh my god Reem,you scared me.....acchiii*sneezes *,let me just get Changed...acchiiiii." 

"girl you are sneezing? you got cold ? Don't tell me you and sid were trying to create that one scene from Aashiqui 2. " Reem let out a loud laugh ,cackling on her own stupid joke .

"Wha-" she started ,but all the memories of that one moment came running through her eyes,his lips were so soft and feathery ,so smooth and fragile that one wrong movement and they will shatter . She could still remember how his lips tasted ,mixed with the 'almost tasteless' water droplets ,how his lips were moving against her like she was the only person they are made for ,how his fingers were laced to her back ,how her skin burnt with his touch till now .She could feel her blood rush to her already heated cheeks ."I-I'm going to change." avu said ,not meeting her now smirking sister's gaze and disappeared into the bathroom as quickly as she can .

Reem knew how shy avu was at times like these ,but will eventually tell every tiny detail to avu ,so she didn't press the topic ,instead saved this to tease her later.


When avu came back ,reem was no where to be seen ,to which she sighed with relief .She probaby went with jai ,she assumed and made her way towards kitchen in hopes of finding sid there . 

In her way ,she did not see anyone ,everyone was either too tired or too busy ,she thought  giggled . And yes,sid was there ,his hair ,smooth and dried ,his eyes focused on the teas strainer which he was holding carefully while pouring the hot liquid in two cups . Avu couldn't stop looking at his face ,how his features were so tensed and his pink plum lips were curved in a small little pout ,he looked like a dream and avu felt like a keen observer ,who she thought she wasn't ,until now.She saw sid smile to himself as if he was aware of her presence .

"What are you doing?" he asked ,his smile widening  . 

"uh-uhm ,what are you doing?" avu said ,absolutely stuttering ,she could feel her cheeks turning red again . She walked in and leaned on the counter too,with her back on it ,opposite sid. 

"you know what ,you can admit I'm so handsome and charming and absolutely irresistible ,don't be shy ,I know I am . " He said ,right side of his lips quirking upward in a proud smirk . TO which avu narrowed her eyes . 

UNFORGETTABLE-SIDNEET FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now