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"I'm soooo happy. That pooja is finally out of my sid's life" squealed sam .

"sister dear ,don't celebrate too much, that avu is still there in his life and she is much better than you!" said amu sitting beside sam ,on the couch ,in their room.

"what the hell, Why are you comparing me with her?" sam slightly pushed her .

"truth is bitter ,dear" shrugged amu.

"yes, for sure ,and the truth is your jai is dating reem!" sam clapped her hands .

"can we leave this topic! I need to do something!" said amu stressing her head for ideas.


"hey?" came a familiar voice ,breaking the silence , on the terrace.

"Why are you here ,take rest ,go .."said sid with a blank face, not even looking back to see who it was, because he knew ,this voice ,he loved this voice for years ,without even knowing ,that he was in love .

"you are such a drama queen!" stood avu beside him ,a bit annoyed by his response .

"are you for real?" said sid chuckling in disbelief.

"come on ,I was trying to lighten the mood." said avu laughing .

"Let me remind you, You are not well and standing in cold wind ,so you should go and rest ." said sid stating facts.

"will we ever stop talking about this?" asked avu rolling her eyes.

Sid, didn't reply ,he was not in a condition to talk to her ,he was angry, hurt and what not, and he did not wanted to hurt avu in any way .

"Sid... I know what are you going through ,I can understand " said avu keeping her hands on his .

"It hurts ,It really does ,but not telling about how do you feel, not sharing your feelings hurts more ,To you and to the people who love you and care for you ." said avu with calm voice .

"Avu, I liked her ,I tried to do everything I could to make her happy ,I don't think I deserved this . She just used me , as a source of getting money ?I though....she was happy, she loved me that's why she was holding on to me,I denied everyone who said that pooja was not a great choice ,but I believed in her ,in her fake love ,in her fake care and what I got in return....  " sid could not speak further ,he was already crying .

"shhh ,everything will be alright!" said vu taking him in her embrace .

"you know ,forgetting vishal is not easy, but YOu guys made it possible for me ,to smile from my heart, Remember always, whatever happens ,your friends are not gonna leave your side .We are there ,speak to us ,If you keep hiding things in your heart ,it will be painful ,we will get you out of this ,sid ."

sid nodded ,wiping his eyes, "thank you!" he said .

"nahi matlab,hame dost samjhta hi nahi hai n tu ?this words are used for strangers!" pouted avu ."galti ho gayi ranisaheba!" chuckled sid bowing and joining his palms together, making avu laugh. 

They had dinner together ,everyone tried their  best to keep each of their friend smiling and chuckling .


"atlast, sid is free from pooja !" said vaish sighing and sitting on the bed .

"but it's not easy ,vaishu! he loved her ...." said avu pulling out a comfortable dress for herself .

reem chuckled "haha, he loved her?really? he didn't love her ,she was just a responsibility to him,he just thought that she would get hurt if he talk about it to her , He toh loves Y----"

"REEM ,jai's calling! " shouted anu and vaish ,on the top their lungs ,making avu jump from her place, who was listening to reem ,very carefully.

"Ohh shit , ahem ,sorry, ummm, excuse me" reem said ,hell scared looking at killing expressions of vaish and anu, and ran out taking her phone from vaish's hand .

"what ,she just?" asked avu confused .

"no-nothing ,just that she's mad in love ." chuckled anu nervously.

"sherlock holmes inside me is doubting you both!" said avu standing like a professional detective.

"shut up and go change!" said vaish laughing weirdly .

Avu went in the washroom and at the same time reem entered the room , ready to die .

"you wanna complicate everything or what?" whisper shouted vaish .

"I'm sooo sorry," said reem zipping her lips with invisible chain.

"I think we should go,and you better keep quiet ." said vaish warning reem.

"yes boss." said reem with wide eyes, controlling her laugh .

"they left ?and what were you saying?" said avu narrowing her eyes.

"let it be na avu, I'm tired now!" 

"besides I have so much of work," she said .

"like?" asked avu sarcastically.

"like....finding a nice guy for you !" said reem thinking .

"reem,I don't think I could love anybody !" said avu,seriously.

"Avu ,come sleep, you need rest." 








36th!! I'm so sorry ,I know I'm not updating regularly ,but I'll try to double update tomorrow.

anyways, how was the chapter.

Do comment and vote!

Will sidneet accept their feelings and confess? 

do you think their friends will keep quiet and not unite them?

till then,see ya!



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