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Back again 😉
I'll be posting chapters but irregular updates.
Hope u all will understand ❤️

If you're emotionally weak ,read this chapter on your own risk.

"Vishal!" Ran simran towards vishal who was on the ground with bleeding nose.
"What the hell did u do ?Huh?How can I trust you after this." Said simran crying helplessly.
"Si-Si-simran,I didn't do it intentionally ,I was gonna tell her about it - "
"Are u for real vishal,u did the same with me a year back ,how can you be so heartless ,I can't believe this ,you just used her and threw her away!And how can I think that u'll not do the same to me?I wanted u because I love you ,I always did, but not this way,u lied to her as well as me,u cheated on both of us ,I don't think I could spend my life with such a man who is so selfish that he can even kill the other person if it is for himself." Said simran crying violently.
"What are you saying love,I'm never gonna do that to you I love you ,i really do,don't do this to me ,please, I'll die if u do this to me" said vishal holding her hands really tightly .
"What came to my stupid mind that I brought you here,I thought avu was out of mumbai ,if we were in Greece it could have been easy." Said vishal hiding his face in her hands.
"So that u can hurt us more right?U are such a bastard vishal.I feel disgusting about myself how could I chose such a cheap man to spend my life with ."said simran jerking her hands.
"Mam,please take him to your room,people here are disturbed " said one of the waiters there.simran dragged vishal with her to their room.
"We are going from here right now." Said simran packing their bags .
"Simran please don't do this to me ,please I'll die without you ,please ,marry me i love you" sid vishal crying violently and was holding her arm so harshly that her arm started bleeding a bit
"Vishal LEAVE ME ,it's hurting," she said trying to free herself.
"No u have to marry me ,u cannot back off like that" said vishal turning more into a psycho and he suddenly passed out simran was hell scared and immediately called for ambulance .

(A/n let's start with the part u all are eager to read.)


It was 10 Minutes , everyone were knocking and calling avu's name and not getting any response.
Reem was crying violently ,she knew the consequences ,she was scared as hell ,vaish was holding her,but she was so shocked and disturbed that she was not able to handle reem .Jai ,abhi, and riyaz were continuously knocking and trying to break the door .Tears were brimming out of their eyes .abhi's knuckles were bleeding due to continuous hitting on the door .riyaz's hands were shaking and jai was so disturbed to see reem cry and he was totally devasted .Anu was crying ,unnati was hugging her tightly ,manav went to ask for spare keys .Twins were not actually doing anything ,but they stood their scared. Sid was standing there with blank face ,just tears coming out on his cheeks, pooja was holding him ,
"in mind-pooja- oh god ,why did vishal do this,avneet is single now,what if sid starts to love her again,and leaves me who will handle my family's expenses ,no no pooja u have to stick to him,I cannot leave him so easily."

"Sid -sid are you okay?" Said pooja shaking him lightly.Sid didn't respond ,it seemed like it was just a body without any soul .sid's soul was stuck in the closed room where avu was present .He came to his senses and wiped his tears.pushed abhi and riyaz away.
"Avu listen to me , everything will be fine.we are here.
, Open the door please." Said sid knocking softly. After 1.5 minutes of trying .He pushed the door and the door was ajar.The door was too hard to be broken by three men but sid broke it ,his love and care for avu broke the wall between them.everyone were shocked to see what was happening in front of their eyes.
Avu was sitting on the bed,resting her head on haverboard , a cupcake in her hand and 6 already finished cupckake holes in the box .She was expressionless .She was looking out of the window and she didn't even react to sudden opening of door.she was sitting still without any moment. Everyone saw her always jolly and smiling face all blank and tear stained and their heart broke into pieces . Girls ran towards her and engulfed her in a hug ,she was still not responding ,not even blinking .Reem was getting panic looking at her  ,she suddenly parted from the hug and looked at avu's face ,she soon noticed avu's nose bleeding and she gasped.
Avu was pale and was looking nowhere .
"Re-reem why is she bleeding" asked abhi shaking .
"Guys we need ambulance right now" reem shouted .
Riyaz quickly called to one of the hospital ,which the resort provided them .
In few seconds ,avneet was breathing heavily and panting,everyone was horrified looking at her condition. Teen and vaish were rubbing her hands and legs .
Pooja was holding sid's hand .
Sid left her tight hold. He was controlling himself from crying .He went there and sat beside heavily breathing avu .reem and vaish moved aside and unnati and anu handled them .He took her shivering hands in his ,trying to be as calm as possible. Avu's panting was decreasing and she was coming to normal but her nose was bleeding more. Sid caressed her hand with his thumb .
"You are a strong girl !Aren't u?"muttered sid .She was becoming calm and breathing calmly .reem was looking at them in shock and happiness .
Avu looked into his hazel eyes.A small smile crept on her lips and she dozed off on his chest.
Till then abhi ,jai ,manav came with the nurses and peons .She was put on stretcher .Pooja forcefully seperated Sid's and avu's hand . They soon reached  hospital and avu was taken to emergency room.
Amu and samyra stayed in the resort as Sam's head was paining.sid broke down just after she was taken inside.
Abhi engulfed him in a hug and muttered a everything will be fine in his ears.
"What was that-reem?"asked jai side hugging her.
"She got a panic attack!" She said sobbing .
"Panic attack? How come?" Vaish asked .
"She has autophobia(phobia of losing loved ones or friends and feeling alone )" said reem .
Meanwhile manav and unnati called their parents telling about the situation .
After 15 minutes doctor came outside and everyone ran towards him .
"She got a panic attack ,maybe she has a severe auto phobia .Did she get it before?"asked the doctor .
"Ye-yes ,twice" replied reem .
Everyone looked at her in shock
"Umm ok ,she will wake up in few hours .Just don't let her alone and make her feel special and u all are there for her and I'll suggest a psychiatrist for her later,it can help her." Said doctor.
Reem nodded .
"When did she get her first?"asked abhi.
"Wh-when we came from Bangalore ,just to tell u all that we were going forever .,at the night ,it was mil-mild she just murmured si-sid's name all the time and then passed . " Sid was shocked.he felt his knees weak .He was the reason behind avu's health indirectly .
"And the second time when we went to bangalore ,a year after we left ." She said hugging sid ,because she knew what sid was going through .He cried on her shoulder ,he was hell guilty of what he did .He so wanted to kill himself for what he did .
Reem then went to complete formalities as she was only blood related there. Riyaz was resting on anu's shoulder and anu was caressing his hairs .Jai and abhi were pacing back and fro .vaish and unnati went with reem with manav.

Done!My heart was paining while writing this .It took me a whole day to write this chapter ,as I was not able to write in one go.
Tell me how was the chapter in comments section .
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Love u all
See ya!

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