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Heyy !


Pooja was crying on her bed .What? She is a human and she does have feelings ,I think.lol

She was angry more than hurt .
She was angry because sid just shouted on her for avneet ,who doesn't deserve sid, according to her .

She was burning in anger and was so horrified by sid's behavior. Whole night she kept thinking for an idea to let sid down ,along with avneet.

Sun arised, but morning seemed less cheerful than before.
"Remmiiii, u lazy ass ,will you get up today ?" Shouted avneet in Reem's ear .
"OH MY GOD AVU,ARE YOU MAD? (Shouted) wait(realisation strikes) are you okay ?Omg"r eem jumped on avneet and hugged her tight.

"I'm so happy, I can't believe this ,I got my avu back" squealed reem in the hug.

"I didn't go anywhere by the way!" Said avu patting reem's back.

"You know ,what happened ,has happened and we can't hold on things if they are not meant to be .I had to move on ,I just needed time and in this time ,I have realized that I have got THE best friends anybody could wish for and I can recover quickly, if it is for you guys!" Said avneet kissing reem's cheek .

Reemm smiled brightly with tears in her eyes.

"Good morning!(cheerfully) reem, why are you crying? Are you okay? What happened? avu are you okay? Why is she crying avu ?" Jai kept blabbering restlessly.

"JAI WE ARE FINE!" Avu stopped him and started laughing . Reem joined her too.

"You guys scared me!" said jai wit wide eyes .

"Avu is more than fine today and that's why I'm happy and these are happy tears!" Said reem .

"Really ?"said jai side hugging avu. Reem went to freshen up and jai and avu talked on general things.

"Where's sid?" Asked avu.
"He comes on time everyday ?What's wrong jai?" Asked avu narrowing her eyes.

"He is still sleeping!" Lied jai .

"Oh " said avu not satisfied with the answer.

"Listen, can I take your sister for some time ?"asked jai with hopeful eyes.

"What If I say NO?" Asked avu with full attitude.

"I'm taking her anyway!" Laughed jai .

"Take her, no need to ask" laughed avneet too.
Reem and jai went out ,leaving avu in the room .she denied to come with them , she wanted to wait for sid.

After 10 minutes there was a knock on the door ,The person entered hearing a faint 'come in .

"Oh ,Hey pooja" smiled avneet .

"You seem good today?" said pooja reflecting the smile .

"kind of ." shrugged avu . "mhm ,that's good ,I just came to check on you ,we haven't for 5 days straight ." said pooja sitting on the couch .

avneet nodded happily and sat beside her . "SO......how are you?" asked pooja smiling more widely .

"I'm awesome!" she grinned. "Ah,surely, when you succeed in your plan ,being awesome is a thing! " Chuckled pooja.

"What plan?" Asked avneet ,confused.

"You don't have to play oblivious avu, at least not in front of me ; so, your plan worked at last! huh? Sid is all yours now-"

"what the hell are you speaking pooja?" avneet cut her off.

"I know ,I know ,Sid is all yours ,I knew your intensions from very beginning ,Such aa selfish woman you are!" blabbered pooja.

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