Giving into Temptation

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Summer 2015, Avenger Compound

Natasha Romanoff and Anastasia Montgomery sit in Ana's bedroom at the Avenger's Compound. Having just returned from their latest mission in Sokovia. After raiding another Hydra base, looking for Loki's Scepter. The scepter now sits safely in Banner's lab. All the men in the team are down there, discussing what to do with it.

"Did you see that thing Thor and Cap did with shield?" Natasha asks Ana, trying to get her to talk about Steve.

"Yes! Oh my God, that was amazing." Ana practically glows talking about them. "And then that enhanced knocked Cap's feet out from under him, he completely flipped through the air." Ana laughs, "I almost died". Blushing slightly talking about Steve. 

"Or when he yelled 'Language'.  That makes you wanna jump him doesn't it?" Natasha asks.

Ana's eyes narrow in denial. "I don't know what you mean."

The whole team knows there's an intense connection between Steve and Ana. But neither are willing to admit there could be something more between them. Natasha and Sam have taken it amongst themselves to play matchmaker. Natasha sees the color rising in Ana's face and smirks.

"You've been a member of this team for a year now, I think Tony wants to celebrate your anniversary. You should ask Steve to be your date to the party." Nat elbows Ana.

Ana laughs and covers her face with her hands. "He isn't interested in me like that."

"Yes, he absolutely is." Sam states walking into Ana's room.

"Don't you knock Samual?" He sits next to Ana on her four poster bed, and grabs his favorite velvet pillow from the foot of her bed.

"Anastasia! Go talk to Steve." Sam orders."

"You should see the way he looks at you." Natasha adds.

"Can you two stop? We have too much work to do, trying to find those enhanced. The last thing Rogers is going to want to do is start something stupid fling with me."

Natasha shakes her head, disagreeing. "It wouldn't be stupid."

"And it wouldn't be a fling." Sam continues. "That man doesn't fling anything except his shield."

"Oh my god Samantha... stop." Ana yells at her best friend. In the year since she's been an Avenger, Ana and Sam have become inseparable. Although Steve was the first Avenger she met, Sam became like a brother to her. He took her under his wing, literally. Sam Wilson is the Falcon.

"Anyway." Sam starts, "I didn't come up here to convince you to go to the gym tonight at 11:30 when he will be down there alone. I came to tell you it's time to eat. Tony ordered pizza."

"Thanks Sam. We'll be right down." Ana tells him. He stands, before leaning over Ana and giving her a quick kiss on the temple. She smiles at him as he leaves.

Ana stands and throws a tight black tank top on over her sports bra, before fixing her hair into a braid over her right shoulder.

Natasha laughs, "you know he thinks you're gorgeous no matter what you wear."

"What makes you think I'm doing anything for him? Maybe I wanna look cute for Thor. Or Clint. Or Tony. Or you." Natasha rolls her eyes.

"How do you know I was talking about Rogers then? Unless you were thinking about him."

"Oh my God, let's go." Ana shakes her head and walks out of the room, leaving Natasha laughing.

The two women descend the stairs into the main room, everyone is already seated at the large round table. Steve looks up when Ana walks in. Sam watches Steve smile slightly when he sees Ana. He leans over to him, "just go talk to her."

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