A New Beginning

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New Asgard, Tønsburg, Norway. December 2023.

James sits in Steve's small New York apartment. Looking around it's clear he's a single dad. No hint of a woman anywhere. Except in pictures, all of Ana or including Ana. You have thought his house was a memorial to her, but Steve claimed he wanted his son to know his mother. The living room is modest, with little boy toys thrown haphazardly across the floor. Any clue that Melanie spent two years of her life in this apartment, vanished. She left Steve shortly after Tony's funeral, she realized she didn't stand a chance against Anastasia Rogers. Everyone loved her immensely, including her boyfriend. So Melanie left, Steve was barely phased.

James glances over to Steve, watching him reread the letter Ana wrote to him two months ago. The pages so worn they're practically transparent.

James can recite the words Ana promised him from heart. Everyday he wakes hoping it would be the day she comes back to him.

My Soldier.

I'm sorry to do this to you, you've always been the one thing I could count on. My one sure thing when everything seems to make no sense. Whether you'r my soulmate or not I can't tell be sure. But I can tell you that until Steve is out of my system I can't give you what you want. You told me years ago that when I came back to you that it needed to be for good, I think we both know that I haven't come back yet. I'm working on it. I don't want to love him anymore when I do.

I love you.


Steve sighs and looks up from the paper. Pacing the floor, pushing Samual's toys out of the way with his foot. He bits his lip, frustration evident across his face. He let his beard grow back, he knows Ana loved it. He also plans on retiring, for her. After he returns the stones in April to their rightful places in time, he's going give his shield to Sam.

So you haven't heard from her yet? Steve asks James.

No. Nothing from her or Thor. Wilson hasn't heard anything either.

Well, she probably thinks Sam would tell us where she is.

James nods. I think Barton knows.

Then we're never going to find out.

What if she, what if we never see her again. James asks, no longer worried bout Steve's feelings. Ana promised to come back for him. She wants a life with him, not Steve.

You will, she's never broken a promise Buck.

Steve sits down in the recliner in the corner of the room, defeated. I just, I don't want to miss AJ's birth. He's my son, regardless of what is happening with Ana, that's my kid.

In her defense you didn't seem overly concerned about him when you left her. James reminds him.

I know, I was so concerned with how you two looked at each other all I could do was ask for the divorce. I'm not even sure I ever expected her to do it.

Banner went to New Asgard didn't he?

Steve looks up, yes. Of course.

The jet, should still have the coordinates right?

Can you stay with Samual? Steve asks James, grabbing his jacket and not waiting for a response before running out of the house.


Ana paces her small cottage, the wind howls every time she passes a window. Forcing cold air through the ancient glass planes. Replaying the conversation that happened earlier that day when Pepper sat in her tiny living room signing over her responsibilities of the Avengers, giving Ana complete control. Pepper stated she had too much on her plate now that Tony was gone and all of Start Industries fall under her control. She was hoping Ana would lead the Avenger's if the need ever arose.

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