Hostile Territory

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Munich, Germany. April 2024.

Ana sits next to Sam as the plane flies over the Atlantic. James sits across from her on the opposite side of the place. Ana turns in towards Sam, her head resting on his shoulder with her legs thrown over his lap as she tries to get some sleep. The jealousy rolling off James is distracting and she's having a hard time relaxing. James has never experienced the physical affection between Ana and Sam, not like Steve has. Aside from the short time they spent in Germany, James has never seen them together at all. He wants to break every finger on Sam's hand for touching Ana's thighs.

James glares at Sam, who glares right back. They two fight for dominance during their stare down, neither blinking.

Can you two stop? Ana speaks with her eyes closed. When neither man responds, Ana sighs and swings her body away from Sam and rolls her eyes. She walks to the middle of the bay, eyeing James. Trying to get his attention. He seems to not even see her.

Ok, you're both pretty. Cut the starring out, you guys are being creepy.

Still nothing.

Ana huffs, and turns towards James.

Soldier, I'm naked under my suit. Wanna see?

She quickly pulls the zipper down past her breasts to her naval. Revealing a strip of skin between her breast that tapers to a point at the diamond above her belly button. A new addition, one she wanted to wait to show James alone but he has his head up his ass and clearly needs to get laid.

James' eyes snap to Ana, his pupils blow out when he sees her skin. His mouth waters wanting to run his tongue up the strip.

Doll, he growls. We aren't alone.

I know, she teases him and unzips her suit further, past her navel to the spot between her hips. The material covering her breasts threatening to reveal all the lays underneath.

Ana, stop teasing the man and take him in the back. Sam laughs. And I thought watching you give Cap a hard time was amusing. This is great, yanno what... keep going. I think you're going to give him a heart attack. He encourages.

James pushes off the bench he's sitting on and takes a giant step towards Ana. He's angry at her boldness when there's a plane full of soldiers around her. He smacks her hand away from the zipper and yanks it up in one smooth motion. His eyes on hers.

Not here. He growls.

Are you sure about that? She glances down to his semi hard erection straining against the black denim pulling tightly across his groin and thighs. She smirks pleased with herself.

He shakes his leg and adjusts himself before moving the table and grabbing an ear piece.

Wilson, Rogers. 90 seconds to drop. Torres nods towards each of them and stands next to the hatch before looking at James. Sorry Sir, I don't know your name.

Barnes. James replies with a nod.

Ever jump out of a plane before?

James looks towards Sam, why is he asking me that? Shouldn't he ask her that.

I'm with him Romeo. Ana moves to the table, grabs and ear piece and makes her way to the opening.

Mrs. Rogers. Torres greets Ana with a respectful smile.

Please, call me Ana. Rogers is my ex husband's name.

I'm sorry to hear of your divorce, Captain Rogers didn't mention it. Ana waves him off.

James rolls his eyes. Of course he didn't.

Don't take him personally, he's being a jerk to everyone today. Ana apologies for James' attitude.

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