An Eye For An Eye

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Carter Residence, Madripoor. May 2025.

Ana breaths heavily, standing in the doorway of the room she will forever hate. Staring dumbstruck at the bed she wants to burn, and the woman she wants to destroy.

Her heart breaks and her world crumbles. Seeing Sharon straddling Steve. His hands holding Sharons shoulders. To her it looks like they are about to go at it again.

The fuck is this shit? James growls, marching into the room behind Ana, feeling as equally betrayed as Ana. Dovich held tightly in his grasp. His Glock pressed firmly into Dovich's temple. Asking the one thing Ana can't seem to ask herself.

Steve shoves Sharon off of him and meets Ana's black eyes. Despite the lack of color he sees the heartache pooling in them. This may have broken her. He panics, she's either going to kill or leave him.

Ana. No. He reaches out to her while, begging her to understand he didn't touch Sharon that way. Only to keep her off of him.

I didn't baby I swear. He shakes his head violently, getting out of the bed. Forgetting about his nakedness. All he cares about is getting Ana.

Dude. Dovich scoffs, trying to get away from James and trying to see anything but the naked man making a beeline for Ana. James looses his patience with the man struggling against his vibranium hand and smashes the butt of the gun against the top of his head. Knocking Dovich out. James throws the man's limb body to the side and strips out of his jacket. Holding it out for his best friend to cover himself with.

Ana's eyes move over Steve's naked form in disgust. How could he? Nothing makes any sense. The bracelet on her wrist no longer flashes red, instead it steadily glows brightly. Ana's powers close to over powering the technology.

Take this off of me. Ana orders, holding out her wrist for James. No Ana. Not with Steve in here.

Steve tries to grab Ana, to pull her into him. She steps back, behind James. Wanting to be as far away from Steve as she can.

Take it off! Ana yells.

Whats the matter Ana? Cant use your powers with the shock collar on? Sharon taunts, making herself known. Ana had forgotten she was even there, too fixated on her naked husband and the possible things he did with another woman. Focusing on the betrayal, the hurt from the lie he told her a few weeks ago too fresh in her memory as she tries to clear her head and think.

Ana's eyes shift around James and Steve, who pleads with her. She glares at Sharon, while Steve falls to his knees.

Baby I know how this looks but I swear to you I didn't sleep with her. Please believe me.

He's telling the truth, I kept him drugged. But wanted him conscious when I finally had in side me.

Ana's anger subsides enough for rational thinking to occur.

You didn't...?

No baby I swear.

But, the picture. You were hard Steven! Ana yells.

I was unconscious. He pleads.

She touched you while you were... you touched him!? Ana turns her attention to Sharon, yelling.

I had to hurt you some how. I did what I had to do to get him where I wanted him.

Ana's scowl softens when she looks back to Steve, her eyes moving across his chest and shoulders. Purple marks decorate his skin, hickies she didn't put there. James pulls Steve to his feet, trying to get up out of the room so Ana can deal with Sharon without hurting Steve. Ana's eyes fall to Steve's sex lines and abs, seeing the purple markets littering his body. Pink scratches run down his ribs.

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