Mind Games

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Shipping Yards, South African Coast.

2 weeks after Ultron's first attack.

Ana looks over the file Tony handed to her while on the quinjet. She missed the briefing that morning prior to wheels up, Steve let her sleep in. Ana's been having nightmares recently. Ever since Ultron came into existence, Ana has been having nightmares of a man with ocean blue eyes locked onto her from the opposite side of gun barrel. All she knows is after their eyes meet, a flash of white hot light blinds her before searing pain explodes from her chest. Metal tearing through flesh and bone.

Steve holds her shaking body as she slowly settles after having the same nightmare night after night. He's getting worried about her. He thinks her nightmare is a memory, the way she describes the dream, where her wound is. It only makes sense she's dreaming about when she got shot. Honestly he thanks god regularly the wound didn't kill her, it should have.

He watches her as she reads over the file. She looks up suddenly realizing what she's learning, her eyes dart from Tony to Steve to the shield and back to Steve again.

"What does he need vibranium for? I thought..." she looks to Tony. "I thought Steve's shield was the last of it?"

"Apparently that is not the case."

Ana nods, "so we're going to Wakanda?"

"No, we're going to Klaue's ship. We thinking that's we're he's keeping the stolen vibranium." Natasha answers for Tony.

"What if Ultron is there?"

"We fight." Steve answers.

"He has the Maximoff twins with him then? According to these reports it sounds like them."

"We believe they're with him, yes." Steve answers again.

"We need our guards up then, Pietro is too fast and Wanda, she's going to mess with our heads." Ana warns looking at Steve. He nods slowly, worried about Ana. Something is already messing with her head.

When the jet lands everyone disembarks but Steve, he holds Ana back. She looks up at him, her bright emerald green eyes red from lack of sleep.

"Hey baby."

He smiles quickly, enjoying her term of endearment. He leans down and gentle presses his lips to hers. "I love you." He whispers.

"I love you." She says it back, and he knows it's true.

"Promise me you'll be safe, he's after you most. Which means the twins will be too."

"I'll be safe, because I'll be with you." She reassures him.

"Cap, let's get a move on!" Tony yells from the ramp. "You can love on her later."

Ana laughs. "Come on Captain. Let's kick some robot butt." She reaches around and grabs his ass. Making him laugh, and shake his head.


"Oh Jr. what's the vibranium for?" Tony lands in front of Ultron.

"Like I would tell you my plan! I don't think so Stark." Ultron taunts. His eyes shift to Ana.

"Uh Nuh, eyes over here. Leave her alone." Tony warns.

Ultron looks down to Wanda who keeps her eyes on Ana.

"You can still walk away from this, I know you suffered." Steve tries to talk them down, stepping in front of Wanda and Ana. Trying to keep distance between the two women.

"Oh... we will, but she won't." Wanda nods to Ana. "And you will suffer."

"Why do you want her?" Steve yells, his emotions getting in the way of reason.

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