Wake Up James

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Wakanda Africa. July 2018.

Are you sure you want to be there when he wakes up? T'Challa walks with Ana on the morning of James' de-thawing. He guides her on their usual morning lap around the palace, when Ana and T'Challa discuss the days events or she relays any information curiosity of the War Dogs. Typically Steven joins them, be he's tied up this morning. Working on James debriefing on what he's missed in the last two years. Which is more about his love life than what been happening in the world.

Yes, I want to be there, he should see a familiar face when he wakes. That face should be mine.

Don't you think he'll know something is different about you?

What like that I'm married? Or that I'm 7 weeks pregnant, exactly as pregnant as I was the last time I saw him but this time I know who the father is.

Have you told Steve about the pregnancy yet?

No, I was going to surprise him this weekend but then Shuri said James was waking up and well there goes that plan.

Tell him today, before Mr. Barnes wakes up. It'll do him good knowing he has another tie to you.

Because the fact we've been married for 16 months means nothing, or the 18 month old running around like he's the Black Panther.

I didn't say that, Ana. You know how insecure he is about Mr. Barnes.

Yeah. I do. Ana looks into the garden outside the window their passing. Winter again in Wakanda means mild temperatures, still comfortable enough to wear shorts or a light body wrap. But not humid and muggy like the summer months. Ana prefers the Wakandain winters.

How are you my friend? T'Challa asks, giving her a knowing glance and offerings arm when she stopped walking, getting lost in her thoughts.


Always Ana. T'Challa reassures her.

I'm terrified.

T'Challa nods quietly, urging her to continue.

I'm terrified of the look on his face when he realizes I'm married to Steven, of when he finds out Samual isn't his. I'm terrified of how I'm going to feel when he's awake. He's only half unfrozen and I feel the pull already.

You should just marry them both you know. It would make you're life so much easier if you did.

Is it terrible that I've had that internal conversation with myself for two years about doing just that? Trying to find a way to convince Steven. I just want to feel whole, with them I feel whole.

You know my position on this.

And I agree with you.


Neither of them enjoy sharing. It's not even about sex, it's the love. And there's so much of it with both. Ana's phone vibrates roughly in her pocket. Making her stop walking. She pulls it out and looks at the screen and sees a group text to her, T'Challa and Steve.

Shuri: It's time.

Ana takes a deep breath. Her heart pounding so hard in her chest it hurts, her feet feeling like lead as she walks to the lab. She feels like she's on the verge of blacking out. She's been dreading this day since she first stood before his cyro tank. Ana and T'Challa turn the corner towards the lab and find Steve standing there waiting.

Ready baby? He takes her hand.

Actually no, can I talk to you for a minute? Ana looks at the door to the lab uneasily and pauses. T'Challa knows where this conversation is going and gives them privacy.

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