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Sokovia, 2015

No one speaks for the rest of the flight to Sokovia. Clint confirmed earlier on in the flight that Ultron has Natasha at the old Hydra research base in Sokovia, the one they raided a few weeks ago. Everyone is quiet, in their own heads. Mentally preparing for the fight head of them.

"Hey Cap", Tony finally breaks the silence. "We could really use one of your motivational speeches right about now."

Steve looks at Ana. She won't meet his eyes.

"Alright", He takes a deep breathe, exhaling quickly. "Our goal is to get the people of Sokovia out. We can do out best to protect them and get the job done. Thor and Tony, find out what he's been building. Bruce, find Romanoff. The rest of us, help the people evacuate. We keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters, that we're what's wrong with the world. Let's prove him and everyone else wrong." He catches Ana's eye before she looks away.

"Wanda, get everyone out of their homes and away from the city. Pietro, I want you to hit the emergency service locations, tell them about the threat. Clint and Ana, you'll be with me on the ground." After he's given everyone orders he sits alone, watching Ana.

Clint walks over to her, and sits down. "Are you going to forgive him?" He asks. Steve looks up, after hearing Clint's question.

Ana shrugs, her voice low trying to keep the conversation between her and Clint. She glances up to Steve, feeling his eyes on her.

"He was always so worried that I would be hurt in the field, during a mission. He never wanted me to fight. It's ironic that the one time I get seriously injured, is when my back is turned in my own home and by him." Ana bites her lip before continuing.

"I can forgive him for the shield, that wasn't completely his fault. It was an accident. But he turned his back on me as soon as he learned who I was. I'm not the assassin HYDRA made me into, I'm not Jade anymore. I'm just Ana. A girl, with a broke heart thanks to Captain America." She rolls her eyes. "America's Sweetheart. Please", she scoffs.

"But are you going to take him back?"

"Doesn't matter, does it?"

"What about the other guy?"

"James?" Ana shrugs again, but automatically feels lighter thinking about him. She smiles.

"Yeah, Cap doesn't stand a chance does he?"

Ana laughs, "You're full of question today."

"Inquiring minds what to know." Clint states and shrugs.

"I'll try to find him, if I can."

"We're here guys, get ready."


Ana stands in the center of town, helping people out of the city. Doing her best to keep people moving. It's only a matter of time before Ultron realizes the Avengers are there, and Cap wants all the civilians out. Many don't understand English, and are frantically running around unsure what is happening.

Pietro finally got the police to pay attention the seriousness of the threat and they started to help move people. Slowly the city evacuates. Ana looks to her left and sees Steve as he spots her.

"Shit." Ana growls under her breathe.

He runs to her, quickly grabbing her face with one hand and waist with the other. Pulling her close to him. "Rogers! What the hell?" She yells, and tries to wiggle from his grasp.

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